Poppy Pictures!
Year 5 are starting to learn to shade to create perfect poppy pictures! A work in progress!
And some are finishing off Spitfires - Good times - Mrs O #enjoy.
Heartsmart - Don't forget to let love in!
We have been learning about Gunner the dog who was helped to good health and went on to do great things!
Bonfire Night!
This is just some of the fantastic artwork and poetry we produced on Monday as part of our bonfire night theme!
We have been developing our running skills in athletics today.
Check out what we have been doing in year 5! We have been separating solids in science!
French Day
Year 5 enjoyed their French lesson and had a little visitor from year 2!
Family Challenges
Well done to everyone who brought in a family challenge this half term! All the Anglo Saxon shields are brilliant!
Trip to the Beacon!
Year 5 had a great morning at the Beacon using their map skills to locate physical and human geography.
In year 5, we have been creating our dance sequences using some new moves that we have learnt!
First Week!
This week in Year 5, we have been using the iPads to research counties in the UK and Great Britain!