Algebra and Decimals in Year 6
Year 6 have shown incredible resilience in maths this week! They’ve been smashing it with algebra and decimals!
#embrace #evolve
Year 5 and 6 Enjoying The Loft at Break Time!
This is what it’s all about! Having a proper chill in The Loft at break time.
#enjoy #TheLoft
Algebra in Year 6!
Year 6 have shown so much resilience in maths this week!
Algebra has thrown a few challenges their way, but they’ve embraced them all!
Belfast Fundraiser - Bits and Bobs Stall - 2025
Another successful #FlydayFriday sale! Over £150 raised!
Amazing effort again from Year 6 and a huge thank you to everyone who stopped by the Bits and Bobs stall at break time!
#enjoy #embrace #Belfast #FlydayFriday
Enjoying Time in The Loft!
Year 5 and 6 have been really enjoying spending time in The Loft this week! #enjoy
Y6 - Enjoying Their First Week Back!
Year 6 have had a fun first week back! It’s been great to get back up and running again!
#enjoy #embrace
Reading in Year 6!
Year 6 have been smashing it with reading this week! The effort they’ve put in has been exceptional!
#enjoy #embrace
Year 6 Geography Fieldwork 2024
Year 6 had a great afternoon on their geography learning walk! They went to various locations in the local area, assessed them using an environmental quality index and made suggestions on how each location could be improved.
#enjoy #embrace
Creating Circuits - Y6 Science 2024
Year 6 have been smashing it in Science this week!
They’ve been making circuits and they’ve just planned a voltage experiment they’ll be doing on Monday!
#enjoy #evolve
Year 6 - Anti-Bullying Week 2024
Year 6 enjoyed their Anti-Bullying Week activities today! They particularly enjoyed the role play activity in the afternoon: they had to act out respectful and disrespectful scenarios!
#enjoy #evolve
Remembrance Week in Year 6 - 2024
Year 6 have really embraced Remembrance Week! They’ve been learning all about The Holocaust and the impact of this during WWII.
So many great discussions and questions!
#embrace #evolve
Imperial War Museum 2024
Year 6 had an amazing time at the Imperial War Museum! They had the opportunity to ask war veterans questions and their answers were so insightful. It really brought the role of our armed forces to life! #evolve