It’s All About The Bears In Preschool
Our diddy Delph Siders are loving exploring all of our bear stories. They’ve had sensory experiences, role-played and repeated familiar phrases from the stories, sketched their favourite bears’ portraits, and enjoyed a little teddy bear picnic.
Preschool-What is 4.
Our diddy Delph Siders have been searching for 4. They’ve matched quantities to numbers up to 4, looked for shapes with 4 sides, been on a number hunt for 4 in their environment, and made groups of 4 with lots of things such as coins, shells and bricks. Super number detectives!
Preschool's Fine Motor Skills
Our diddy Delph Siders enjoy strengthening their fine motor skills with lots of hands-on activities to help develop precision and creativity.
Welcome Back Diddy Delph Siders!
After a joyful Christmas break, our beloved Diddy Delph Siders returned with bundles of energy and excitement to kick off the new year by enjoying some outdoor painting on a snowy canvas. Indoors, they updated their September sketchings of their self-portraits. Their progress was very impressive…
Diddy Delph Siders’ Christmas Celebrations
2024 marked 30 years of Delph Side’s Nursery building. It has had 100s of children pass through and now some of their children are having that same loving and nurturing experience as their parents had before them.
Wishing you all a very merry Christmas and a happy new year 2025!
Spreading Some Christmas Magic!
Our diddy Delph Siders have been playing being Father Christmas! They’ve had lots of sparkly jobs to do but their favourite was delivering homemade cards to some of our favourite Delph Siders in ‘big school’. They were so very polite and only trashed Mrs O’s office a teeny weeny…
Preschool’s Festive Preparations
Our diddy Delph Siders have been busy at work crafting decorations, writing letters to Santa and singing along to Christmas songs.
Preschool - Traditional Tales
Our delightful Delph Siders have been experimenting with various lightweight materials to see if they will blow away when using a hairdryer as the Big Bad Wolf! They tested bridges to see which were strong enough to hold the goats and explored sounds by creating "trip-trap" noises with musical…
Preschool in the Snow!
Who can resist walking on freshly fallen snow…definitely not our diddy Delph Siders!
Preschool - The Gingerbread Man
Our diddy Delph Siders have been learning all about The Gingerbread Man. They have been using their fine motor skills to cut out decorations for paper Gingerbread people, gross motor skills to chase the Gingerbread man, and baked their own Gingerbread people.
Preschool Remembrance Day 2024
Our diddy Delph Siders have been learning about poppies for Remembrance Day to give them a little understanding of history. They have made salt dough poppies to place in their Victory Garden, created remembrance cards to talk about things they remember from their past, and painted Union Jack…
Happy Halloween!
Our diddiest Delph Siders have been enjoying and exploring lots of spooky activities this week.