Image of Reception- Goldilocks crime scene
23 September 2024

Reception- Goldilocks crime scene

Today the children returned back from lunch to discover that their role-play area had been cordoned off. They were trying to figure out what had happened. They looked for clues... 3 beds, a broken chair and 3 bowls of porridge, however, the small bowl was empty. Some children said 'It's…

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Image of Reception - Elmer 2024
20 September 2024

Reception - Elmer 2024

This week the children have been learning through the story 'Elmer'. They have looked at the characters feelings within the story and retold the story by sequencing pictures. They have also been exploring colour mixing, and using their colours to create their own patch work elephant. 

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Image of Reception- All about me and our feelings (Colour Monster)
13 September 2024

Reception- All about me and our feelings (Colour Monster)

This week in Reception we have been learning all about each other and our families. We spoke about who we live with and have drawn some amazing pictures of our families. We have also read the story 'The Colour Monster'. We watched different clips from some well known Disney movies and discussed…

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Image of Our first week in Reception!
6 September 2024

Our first week in Reception!

We are so proud of all the children in Reception. They have settled into Reception life so well. They have been exploring their new environment and making lots of new friends. Keep up the great work Reception!

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