Image of Year 2: Aspirations week in Year 2
5 July 2024

Year 2: Aspirations week in Year 2

Year 2 have had a brilliant aspirations week. They have learnt from an Optometrist and Martial Arts instructors. They have learnt all about the job and what they have to do in their careers. They also spoke to us about what skills you need to have to get involved in either career. It was great to…

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Image of Year 2 Computing - How to find information online!
28 June 2024

Year 2 Computing - How to find information online!

Year 2 Computing - How to find information online!

This week in computing the children took a step back from 3D slash and started 'how to find information for 1 week'. The children loved this and had to fill out questions which they could find online. #Enjoy #Evolve…

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Image of Year 2: Computing
21 June 2024

Year 2: Computing

Year 2 have been smashing their computing recently! We have been learning about 3D printing and we have carried on creating things using 3D Slash! Year 2 have enjoyed this unit and have been so enthusiastic. Can't wait to see these materialise and come off the press. #Enjoy #Embrace…

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Image of Year 2: School Trip to Brockholes
9 June 2024

Year 2: School Trip to Brockholes

Year 2 were absolutely thrilled with their trip to Brockholes. They had a great time! Here are some pictures from the planting, map reading and orienteering! Great work Year 2. #Enjoy #Embrace #Evolve


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Image of Year 2: Summer 1 recap!
24 May 2024

Year 2: Summer 1 recap!

With the Summer 1 term coming to an end. We are looking back at all of the amazing things we got up to and had fun doing! Nothing but smiles!

#Enjoy #Embrace #Evolve

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Image of Year 2 - DT - Exploring Wheels and Axles
20 May 2024

Year 2 - DT - Exploring Wheels and Axles

Year 2 have #embraced making a moving vehicle, using wheels and axles. We #enjoyed putting all the parts together, looking how it moves and how we could make it stronger to move on different terrains. We loved taking our vehicles on a walk around the playground! 


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Image of Year 2: 3D Slash
17 May 2024

Year 2: 3D Slash

The children were excited for this one! The time has come for the children to learn about 3D Slash. Hopefully they can eventually make their own 3D model to create and print. Today we started tinkering and playing with the software to get used to it! The children are so excited to get printing…

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Image of Year 2: Planning our independent write!
10 May 2024

Year 2: Planning our independent write!

There's our team of fantastic writers! Year 2 have absolutely smashed their latest writing unit, the creativity and passion during our Big Cats topic has been surreal. Can't wait to see the finished pieces! 

#Enjoy #Embrace #Evolve #LoveWriting


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Image of Year 2 - DT - Wheels and Axles
7 May 2024

Year 2 - DT - Wheels and Axles

Year 2 #enjoyed exploring wheels and axles last week! We looked at all the parts needed to make a moving vehicle. We then tested them out on the playground! 

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Image of Year 2: Weekly update blog!
2 May 2024

Year 2: Weekly update blog!

This week Year 2 have had a load of learning, fun and creativity. We have enjoyed our Big Cats writing planning, we have also enjoyed computing and our Jigsaw lesson this week. Some big smiles on our faces from all the hard work! #Enjoy #Embrace #Evolve

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Image of Year 2 Programming with Scratch Jr.
25 April 2024

Year 2 Programming with Scratch Jr.

Year 2 practicing their Scratch Jr Programming skills over the last fortnight. Onwards and upwards for these gifted technology users! Check Facebook and 'X' for videos involving their moving programs. We have been focusing about 'loops', 'commands' and what 'run/execute' means in…

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Image of Year 2 Geography: River Tawd Walk
28 March 2024

Year 2 Geography: River Tawd Walk

We had a great time exploring the River Tawd today. The children enjoyed making notes on the physical and human features of our walk at different checkpoints. We explored how to properly use a compass and how to read directions. The children got stuck in and had a great time!



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