Image of Year 3 Black History Month
17 October 2024

Year 3 Black History Month

For Black History month, Year 3 talked about people of black origin who have impacted on history. They found out how Rosa Parks stood up for her rights as she would not give up her seat for a white person and fought to make a difference in her society. We then looked at two of the greatest…

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Image of Maths, Handwriting & Computing
10 October 2024

Maths, Handwriting & Computing

A busy day in Year today with children with their Maths partners to add and subtract tens to 3 digit numbers, concentrating on their letter formation, sizing and joining during handwriting and enjoying 3D design, using 3D Slash, in Computing.

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Image of Working hard in Maths
5 October 2024

Working hard in Maths

Year 3 are working hard in Maths to understand place value of numbers to 1000 and to add and subtract. 

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Image of Pyjama day to start the weeek
24 September 2024

Pyjama day to start the weeek

A great way to start the week as Year 3 unlocked their latest reward on their Passport to Privilege and chose a Pyjama Day. They enjoyed coming dressed in their favourite PJs and learning in comfort. A great way to celebrate their hard work and achievements.

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Image of Hundreds, Tens and Ones in Maths
22 September 2024

Hundreds, Tens and Ones in Maths

Year 3 children have been introduced to using hundreds, tens and ones counters in Maths to help them build numbers with hundreds, tens and ones. It is so important to use the concrete resources to help, before moving onto drawing and then writing the number sentences.

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Image of Year 4 - Art - See 3 Shapes
18 September 2024

Year 4 - Art - See 3 Shapes

Year 4 #embraced our Art activity this week, learning how to draw objects by seeing the 3 shapes. We used ink to show an objects outline, shadows and shadows found inside the objects. 

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Image of Finding out about the Stone Age
9 September 2024

Finding out about the Stone Age

In our first history lesson, we looked at some replica artefacts and photographs of artefacts from the Stone Age & Iron, to try and see what we could work out about life in the Stone Age, as historians have had to do.


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Image of The Big Bad Wolf visits Year 3
7 September 2024

The Big Bad Wolf visits Year 3

Year 3 had a special visitor for their experience day introduced their new story, 'The True Story of the Three Little Pigs'. The Big Bad Wolf came and explained what actually happened and tell us the true story of events. We then just had time to have a go at drawing the Big Bad Wolf.

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Image of Day 1 in Year Sept 2024
3 September 2024

Day 1 in Year Sept 2024

Year 3 had a great first day back and have settled quickly into life in Year 3. From a behaviour bootcamp to master the rules, to Maths, Handwriting, Spelling, Art and more, it has been a busy first day.


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Image of 2024 - 2025
19 August 2024

2024 - 2025

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Image of Year 2 enjoyed their transition morning in Year 3
17 July 2024

Year 2 enjoyed their transition morning in Year 3

Year 2 (soon to be Year 3) enjoyed their transition morning in Year 3.They found out what they would be learning about next year, learnt how to use their magic badge to log into the chromebooks and even managed to fit in some handwriting, date writing and listened to the Dot Story to learn about…

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Image of Year 2: Aspirations week in Year 2
5 July 2024

Year 2: Aspirations week in Year 2

Year 2 have had a brilliant aspirations week. They have learnt from an Optometrist and Martial Arts instructors. They have learnt all about the job and what they have to do in their careers. They also spoke to us about what skills you need to have to get involved in either career. It was great to…

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