Image of Year 4 Maths!
8 March 2023

Year 4 Maths!

This week in maths, we have been learning how to subtract fractions from whole numbers. We’ve been learning various different ways at working these out, such as using White Rose digital tools or drawing out bar models to help us solve each question 



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Image of World Book Day!
2 March 2023

World Book Day!

Year 4 have had a fantastic World Book Day! We’ve read our own books, watched a live lesson and chosen books for each other based on genre. We did it all in our pyjamas too!


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Image of Nature Bunting!
20 February 2023

Nature Bunting!

Year 4 #enjoyed their first Forest School session this afternoon. In a bid to make our area more inviting, we created nature bunting which we will hang for everyone to see! 

#embrace #evolve #Wemakethedifference 


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Image of Safer Internet Day
9 February 2023

Safer Internet Day

Year 4 have been enjoying today’s #SaferInternetDay activities in class. We watched the BBC live lesson and ranked what we are most worried about when online. We discussed what we can do if we feel unsafe online.


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Image of Final Forest School Session!
6 February 2023

Final Forest School Session!

Year 3 #enjoyed their final Forest School session today by toasting marshmallows on the fire. Yum! 

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Image of Speeches!
1 February 2023


Year 4 have spent the past few weeks practising and preparing a speech all about the impact of plastic pollution in our oceans. Today, some children decided that they would like to practise their speech by performing it to the class. We’ve got some fantastic future public speakers on our hands!…

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Image of Spelling Fun!
24 January 2023

Spelling Fun!

Year  4 have been working this hard learning our new spelling pattern ‘auto’. We love playing the game ‘four in a row’ which tests each other on our spelling! 

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Image of Forest School!
23 January 2023

Forest School!

Year 3 #enjoyed using a tool today at Forest School! We we hammered nails into the shape of a star on our wood cookies. We will be completing our designs next week! 

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Image of Wimbledon Dance!
19 January 2023

Wimbledon Dance!

This half term, Year 4 have been #enjoying some Wimbledon themed dance lessons! They have been creating movements for all parts of the game including serving, hitting and even resting! 

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Image of Year 3 - Forest School!
9 January 2023

Year 3 - Forest School!

Year 3 LOVED their first Forest School session today. We started by going through some rules, looking at our equipment and had a little explore before getting stuck in with our activities next week! 


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Image of Year 4’s love for reading!
7 January 2023

Year 4’s love for reading!

Year 4 have loved being back in the swing of things this week! We have #enjoyed selecting a new book from our class library to enjoy over the next few weeks. 

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Image of Marshmallows & hot chocolate!
15 December 2022

Marshmallows & hot chocolate!

With it being a chilly -2 outside yesterday, we decided to spent some time around the campfire keeping warm. We even had a go at toasting marshmallows and having a nice cup of hot chocolate to warm us up! 

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