Safer Internet Day Y4
Today is Safer Internet Day! We watched the BBC live lesson all about AI. We loved learning about what it is and how it is used in everyday life!
This week, Year 4 have been learning how to divide 2 digit numbers with remainders. We’ve been using place value counters to partition our number into tens and ones and then share these equally across groups. Keep up the hard work Year 4!
Science - Pitch!
This week in Science, Year 4 have been learning all about pitch. Miss Brant (our lovely trainee teacher) looked at how different volumes of water in glasses can produce different pitches when tapped. The children tested this theory themselves and also had a go at finding different pitches with…
Year 4 Faith Week
This week, we’ve been lucky enough to have some visitors of different faiths! We’ve learnt all about Sikhism and Hinduism as part of our faith week at school! #enjoy
Forest School fun in Year 3!
Year 3 #enjoyed their first Forest School session this afternoon. We planted some last minute bulbs into our flowerbeds ready for Spring!
Melting and cooling!
Year 4 explored the effects of hot and cold water on ice today. We learned that ice melts quicker in the hot water than the cold water!
The Story of Flight!
Children in Year 4 have been absolutely captivated by the fascinating world of flight while diving into our thrilling non-fiction text, 'The Story of Flight'! I'm incredibly proud of the enthusiasm and curiosity shown by Year 4 as they've delved into the stories of adventure, innovation, and…
Year 4 Changes of State!
In Science this half term, Year 4 have been learning all about changes of state. Today, we explored how water can freeze into ice but also boil and change into water vapour. We enjoyed seeing a change of state by holding ice and experiencing what happens to it! ❄️
Year 2 Forest School!
Year 2 have #enjoyed their first Forest School session this year. We made use of the wet weather and used the (very) wet ground to make muddy mixtures perfect for painting with!
Computing - Animation in Y4
Year 4 loved their first animation lesson in Computing. We have been using keynote to create stop motion animations
Year 4 - Anti-Bullying Week!
Year 4 have been celebrating anti bullying week by learning about how to ‘Speak up and shout out’ when bullying occurs. We looked at a ‘banter-ometer’ and discussed when banter can go too far.
Stockport Air Raid Shelters
As part of our learning during Remembrance Week, Year 4 took a trip to Stockport Air Raid Shelters. We learnt about what evacuees were, why people were evacuated and typical jobs that evacuees would have to do. Children were sent away to live with other families to keep them safe. Check out the…