Transition to Year 2
Year 1 children have enjoyed their first 2 days as Year 2 to be! They have had chance to talk about themselves during circle time, draw and write about their family and a highlight so far to make Forky from Toy Story! They have also learnt how to add drawings and photos to Seesaw. #enjoy…
Year 1 - Aspirations Day 5
Today we have been visited by some very talented musicians from Lathom High School, Thomas's dad who is a fantastic artist, two very interesting police officers and Nadine the lovely nurse. What an exciting day!
Year 1 - Aspirations day 3
Thank you so much to the fantastic paramedics who came to visit our school. It was such a wonderful experience that we all really enjoyed!
Year 1 - Aspirations day 2 - RAF
We asked lots of questions about the RAF to Neil. He brought some really interesting things in for us to look at.
Then we interviewed Cook and asked her all about her job. How interesting!
Year 1 - Aspirations day 2 - Money challenges
We have been learning about money and are enjoying using our money pockets to pay for the different challenges around the classroom. We can even earn money for working hard too!
Year 1 - Aspirations day 2 - Author visits
This morning we have been learning all about authors. We have had a visit from two wonderful authors (and Monty Dog) who have taught us all about their jobs and read us some incredible stories that they have written.
Year 1 - Aspirations day 1
We asked some wonderful questions today to HM prison service. It was great fun seeing how they use the prison dogs too!
Year 1 - Infant Baptism
In year 1 we have been learning about infant baptism.
Year 1 - Robot Poetry
We have been excellent at learning robot poetry this morning in Year 1.
Year 1 - Woodland School
We have really enjoyed Woodland School this morning. First we read the story 'Whatever Next' and then created some dens for the bear to sleep in!