We have been learning all about evacuation this week in year 1. So far we have learnt about the importance of poppies and written about what we would take in our suitcases if we were evacuated. We have also carried out research and found out some facts about WW2, made our own gas masks and…
Learning Challenges
We are really enjoying our learning challenges this week in year 1!
Book Bus
Yesterday year 1 had a wonderful time visiting the Book Bus, we couldn’t wait to read our exciting new books!
Guy Fawkes
Year 1 had a wonderful day on Monday learning about Guy Fawkes and the gunpowder plot. They wrote their own wanted posters to help catch Guy Fawkes and made some very arty firework pictures.
We have been learning how to use positional language this week in maths. We have enjoyed ordering our Halloween figures using some of the language.
Year 1 have had a lovely afternoon creating penguins out of clay and evaluating them.
Learning Challenges
In year 1 this week we have been enjoying taking part in some Autumn challenges!
Today in ICT we have been programming Bee-Bots to follow a path. We have learnt how to debug our robots if we make a mistake.
Our Learning Challenges
We are becoming super learners taking part in some new challenges independently.
Lost and Found
This week we have been looking at the story 'Lost and Found'. We have been acting out the story and looking at the character's feelings.
Today we have been asking one of the characters some questions. We have been using question words and question marks.
Arctic Small World
We have really enjoyed playing in our snow tray this week.
We have been learning the 7 different continents and finding them on a map.