The children at Delph Side have taken part in Anti-Bullying week, this year’s theme was ‘Make A Noise About Bullying’.
Everyone came into school on Monday wearing odd socks, behind all the fun the children learnt that EVERYONE is unique and different, they learnt all about how we can be kind to each other and respect each other’s individuality.
The children took part in lots of different activities such as designing their own unique odd sock! The children had lots of discussions about how they would like to encourage kindness at school and how we should treat each other at school. They wrote each word on different socks, the children then split into groups, each group chose a word and took turns to shout it out, each group tried to be louder than the ones before. They really did ‘make a noise about bullying’.  KS2 children enjoyed taking part in a live Anti Bullying lesson where they learnt what defines bullying, recognise the difference between banter and bullying, explore ways in which bullying can happen and how we can make a noise to stop it.