
Children's learning is assessed continually throughout the year. Teachers use this assessment information when planning future learning.

For Reading, Writing and Mathematics, we use Key Learning Indicators of Performance(KLIPS) to measure pupil attainment and progress.

In other national curriculum subjects, children's learning in each year group is measured against outcomes linked to the Key Stage content. At the end of the academic year, a judgement is made to determine whether a child is 'Secure' in the Year Group expectations.

Preliminary Results as of September 2018

Key Stage 1 ARE Greater Depth
Reading 75% 30%
Writing 65% 25%
Maths 65% 35%
Combined R/W/M 60% 25%
Phonics (Year 1) 83%  
Key Stage 2 ARE Greater Depth Average Scaled Score Progress Measures
Reading 80% 33% 107 2.7
Writing 87% 20% NA 2.8
Maths 100% 20% 106 2.1
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling 87% 20% 105 NA
Combined R/W/M 80% 7% NA NA

Statutory Assessment

In 2017-2018, pupils in Year 6 and in Year 2 will be assessed against the 'Interim teacher assessment frameworks' for their respective Key Stage.

This assessment will include national assessment tests in Reading, Spelling and Grammar, and Mathematics. The teachers also assess pupil attainment in Writing and Science.

Year 2 and Year 6 pupils will take the appropriate tests in May.

For pupils in Year 1, there is a phonics screening test in June to assess their ability to apply knowledge of phonics (letters and sounds) when decoding words. Pupils in Year 2, who didn't pass the phonics test in Year 1, are re-tested.

Results 2017

KEY STAGE 1 Achieved ARE Achieved ARE+ Average Scale Scores
Reading 74% 16% 100
Writing 74% 16% NA
Maths 74% 21% 101
English Grammar, Spelling & Punctuation 63% 32% 102
Combined R/W/M 74% 5% NA
Phonics (Year 1) 84% NA NA
KEY STAGE 2 Achieved ARE Achieved ARE+ Average Scale Scores Progress Scores from KS1 - KS2
Reading 30% 25% 100 1.1 (-3.9 to 1.7)
Writing 85% 20% NA 5.1 (2.4 to 7.8)
Maths 60% 15% 102 0.4 (-2.1 to 2.9)
English Grammar, Spelling & Punctuation 65% 20% 103 NA
Combined R/W/M 25% 15% NA NA

Previous Years Performance


KEY STAGE 1 Achieved ARE Achieved ARE+ Average Scale Scores
Reading 62% 5% 97
Writing 62% 19% NA
Maths 76% 19% 100
Combined R/W/M 48% 24% NA
Phonics (Year 1) 83% NA NA
KEY STAGE 2 Achieved ARE Achieved ARE+ Average Scale Scores Progress Scores from KS1- KS2
Reading 52% 12% 98.7 -1.7 (-4.2 to 0.8)
Writing 72% 16% NA 1.1 (-1.4 to 3.6)
Maths 52% 4% 99.4 -1.9 (-4.0 to 0.2)
English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling 60% 8% 100 NA
Combined R/W/M 36% 4% NA NA

Further information on our performance can be found via this link:

2015 KS2 SATs Results


  % attaining L4   % attaining L5
Reading 88% Reading 50%
Writing 88% Writing 44%
Maths 88% Maths 63%
Pupils making expected progress from the end of KS1 to the end of KS2 2015
Reading 100%
Writing 100%
Maths 100%
Pupils making more than expected progress from the end of KS1 to the end of KS2 2015
Reading 38%
Writing 50%
Maths 19%

The school's most recent Key Stage 2 results are published on the School Performance Tables published on the Department for Education's website.