Delph Side Community Primary School SEND Offer
Inclusion is at the heart of everything at Delph Side and every child is a priority. We are passionate about the warm, inclusive and nurturing environment that we offer our learners. Special Educational Needs can present themselves in a variety of ways and it is our aim to meet these needs in whatever way we can. Mrs Burton has been the SENCO at Delph Side since 2015 and prides herself on working effectively with parents, carers and outside agencies to achieve the best possible outcomes for children.
Information on the Lancashire Local Offer can be found through the link below.
For Impartial and confidential information, advice and support around special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), parent can contact SENDIAS
The aim of our local offer is to showcase our good practice in supporting children with Special Education Needs to achieve their full potential.
Mrs Liz Burton
Mrs Nicola Littler
SEN Teacher (The Hangout)
Ms Carolyn Noon
Learning Mentor
Keith Berry
SEND Governor
What can our school offer?
At Delph Side Community Primary School we offer:
- A commitment to providing a fully accessible environment which values and includes all pupils, staff, parents and visitors regardless of their education, physical, sensory, social, spiritual, emotional and cultural needs.
- A fully wheelchair accessible school provding easy access for wheelchair and pram users.
- An accessible toilet available for parents, visitors, staff and children.
- Accessible disabled parking spaces in the school car park.
- Accessible furniture throughout the school is that is of a suitable height and appropriate to the age group of children being taught in each classroom along with adapted furniture and equipment necessary to ensure specific children's needs are fully met.
- A regularly updated website that signposts to services
- Displays throughout the school that are accessible to all children and visitors as well as staff.
- Information that is made available in various formats, as requested.
- Children throughout the school are taught through Quality First teaching, using visual, audio and kinaesthetic aids where deemed necessary. The school has a range of ICT for pupils with Special Educational Needs, in addition to IPADs, computers and headphones there are interactive whiteboards in every classroom.
- Calm and purposeful learning environments
What can our school offer?
At Delph Side Community Primary School we offer:
- A vision for special educational needs that is articulated around four themes: Early intervention, removing barriers to learning, raising expectation and achievement and strong parent partnership.
- A commitment to meeting the special educational needs of pupils and ensuring that they make the best possible progress. School monitors the progress of every child in line with existing school practices. This is a continuous process which allows for early identification of any possible barriers to learning. The class teacher informs the parents at the earliest opportunity to alert them to any concerns and enlist their active help and participation.
- A SENCO (special educational needs coordinator) who works closely with parents and teachers to plan an appropriate programme of intervention, which may include an individual education plan.
- Teachers that personalise learning to meet children’s needs through multi-sensory teaching, differentiation of work, visual aids and other relevant resources which provide extra support.
- Targeted intervention that may involve small group work or individual support with highly skilled support staff.
- Personalised learning to support children to access the curriculum and develop independent learning across all areas, equipping them with the necessary skills to progress in their learning.
- A proactive and highly qualified SENCO who, should it be necessary, will seek permission from parents to complete a diagnostic assessment to identify specific learning difficulties.
- Support and advice (if necessary) from the Educational Psychologist, the Inclusion and Disability Support Services, the Speech and Language Team and other specialist agencies will be sought, and any recommendations implemented with immediate effect.
- Teaching staff who have experience of supporting children with a range of learning difficulties including dyslexia, hearing impaired (HI), Autistic Spectrum disorder (ASD) Physical Development (PD) and speech, language and communication needs (SLCN).
- A range of multi-sensory resources and a purpose built sensory room.
- Provision mapping for children to identify intervention needed then measuring its impact.
- Support from an experienced SENCO who holds the National Award for SEN Coordination
- Tracking systems to track and monitor children’s academic progress including those in receipt of the Pupil Premium as well as pupils with SEN.
- Support for children with SEN when sitting examinations in accordance with government guidance including adult support and accessing additional time if appropriate.
What can our school offer?
At Delph Side Community Primary School we offer:
- Individual Education Plans that are developed to set personalised targets, which are regularly updated and are reviewed with children, if barriers remain, then the child can be referred through the relevant pathway and further support can be secured.
- Individual Education Plans that are monitored, are progressive and regularly updated to ensure progress.
- Appropriate targets set to meet individual needs using PIVATs (Performance Indicators for Value Added Target Setting) where appropriate
- A SENCO who is responsible for reviewing Education Health and Care Plans annually.
- A belief in working together with parents contributing and participating in annual reviews and receiving copies of all relevant paperwork concerning their child whilst pupils are also asked to make a contribution to the review.
- Links to outside agencies to support in reviewing and evaluating outcomes.
What can our school offer?
At Delph Side Community Primary School we offer:
- Health & safety risk assessments are reviewed annually
- Trips that are fully risk assessed by class teachers and supported by our Educational Visits Co-ordinator and signed off by the headteacher and reviewed by the governing body.
- Category B visits that are approved by the governing body.
- The facility for children with additional needs to be dropped off and picked up from school via the main entrance.
- Appropriate supervision arrangements for any pupil that has additional needs.
- Teaching Assistant Support which is available in every class and during all playtimes, children are supervised throughout lunchtime in all play areas.
- Adults responsible for outdoor activities being proactive and doing a sweep of the area and the condition and making adjustments where necessary.
- An anti-bullying policy on the school website and hard copies of the policy on request.
What can our school offer?
At Delph Side Community Primary School we offer:
- The facility for parents to fill out a medication form for children who require medication in school to have it administered to them and for the medication to be securely
- Care plans (if required) that are created directly involving parents alongside the Medical Needs Coordinator and with advice from the designated medical professional.
- Advice from the school nurse if the school is informed of any allergy by parents, to support setting up a care plan.
- Staff trained in paediatric first aid
- Care plans that are shared with all members of staff so they are informed of children's specific medical needs
- Annual training for staff is provided for epi-pens and inhalers by the school nurse.
- Trained mental health first aid practitioners
- Family wellbeing support for individual children in a nurturing environment, providing private time for them to express any worries that they may be experiencing, allowing children to feel safe and happy at our school, with emotional issues being resolved quickly and sensitively.
What can our school offer?
At Delph Side Community Primary School we offer:
- An open door policy so parents can communicate as much as possible and meet with the headteacher, SENCO and Family Wellbeing Coordinator at short notice.
- Teachers who communicate with parents on a daily basis.
- Biannual parent’s evenings and annual written reports to focus on pupil progress.
- Communication through the virtual world in the medium of Twitter, Facebook, Seesaw and the school website so that parents can provide instant feedback.
- Friendly staff, who wear name badges to make themselves visible to visitors and parents.
- Parent governors who support the leadership of the school.
- Weekly coffee mornings and Adult art sessions in The Studio
- Stay and Play sessions and relevant workshops that can provide support for parents to help with home learning
What can our school offer?
At Delph Side Community Primary School we offer:
- A committed staff who are committed to fulfilling the aims of the Mission Statement.
- Use of social media for parents to celebrate their children’ successes.
- Parent’s evenings and an annual report.
- Parental questionnaires.
- An open door policy so parents are welcomed into classrooms to discuss their child’s education.
- Staff, parent and community governors on the governing body including a named Governor for SEN.
- A weekly ‘Gathering’ assembly for children to celebrate achievements.
- Some after school clubs supported by parent governors and parents.
- Parent support for school events such as the Christmas Fayre.
- A school that works in partnership with the local education authority
- Support from relevant agencies working collaboratively to support children with SEN and/or health needs. Regular training takes place to ensure that children are safe and have the correct care.
What can our school offer?
At Delph Side Community Primary School we offer:
- A SENCO and Family Wellbeing Coordinator who are available to offer advice and support families, this includes support in completing forms and paperwork as well signposting to other support services
- A SENCO who will inform parents about other relevant services in the community that they may like to access.
- A school website that is updated on a regular basis
What can our school offer?
At Delph Side Community Primary School we offer:
- A SENCO who will support parents throughout their child’s transition period and will accompany the parents when visiting prospective schools, at their request.
- Support for parents to make links to external support such as SENDIASS
- Effective transition collaboration between the school SENCO and secondary SENCOS
- The Year 6 teacher ensures transition information is passed on to the high school, including friendship groups, specific needs etc.
- A transition plan which addresses any possible barriers that may arise throughout the transition period, resources and strategies will be put in place, such as a map of school, visual timetable and home school liaison book.
- Support for children to gain a place at a summer school, to enable the child to become familiar with the new environment and meet some of the staff and peers at the school.
- Understanding staff who recognise that it can be an anxious period for both the child and the parents, and endeavours to do everything possible to ensure a smooth transition for them.
- Bespoke transition opportunities for individual children to meet their needs through using our positive relationships with the local high schools.
- Support for families when applying for a place for high school including the use of our computer facilities and technical support.
What can our school offer?
At Delph Side Community Primary School we offer:
- A free breakfast club, which runs from 7:45am – 8:45am.
- A variety of extra-curricular activities running after school and at lunchtimes offering children in all classes a variety of experiences.
- Opportunities to play competitive sport through West Lancs Sport Partnership