The school uses the services of an Occupational Therapist and Speech Therapist, privately, aside from the NHS offer. They attend twice a term and support with sensory profiling, advice for staff, environmental audits etc. In addition, we work closely with specialist teachers from Kingsbury Special School to access advices along with support and training.
The Hangout - Working in Partnership
Susan Chryssovergis
Clinical Lead Speech and Language Therapist
I’m an NHS Speech and Language therapist working for the Complex Needs and Children’s Integrated Therapy and Nursing Service Lancashire and South Cumbria Foundation Trust. I have worked as an SLT for over 25 years and I am the clinical lead for complex needs for the trust. I also work in a range of settings including mainstream schools where I support the children, the teaching staff and their families. I am also a visiting lecturer on the UCLAN Speech and Language Masters course.
Alexa Wilcock and Michele Davies
Occupational & Speech and Language Therapists
We are a small team of Specialist Therapists providing Occupational Therapy & Speech and Language Therapy, and our shared areas of specialism are Autism, sensory processing difficulties, Special Educational Needs, and Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC). We work collaboratively throughout our therapy process, providing joint assessment of learners in order to target a range of therapeutic needs, whilst also coaching & modelling staff with practical examples, and sharing individualised learning strategies. We aim to promote engagement, understanding and independence for all of the learners we work with.