You can keep up to date with the work created in The Studio by accessing The Studio Blog Page or by following our Twitter or Facebook page.
At Delph Side, we have an Art/DT Studio and an Art Specialist Teacher, Mrs Simpkin. The Studio is an external building for our Arts-Rich education, Wellbeing/Nurture workshops and classes for our parents and the community.
We aim to provide creative high-quality Art lessons to inspire and motivate our children to prepare them for their next stage of life. These sessions are accessed from Reception to Year 6. The Studio a hub for creativity, risk taking and our children’s wellbeing. In promoting the Arts, we are also building on other curriculum learnings and allowing the children to foster their passions and creative ideas. Through our Art/DT lessons our children are being encouraged to become inspiring artists, great thinkers, and inventors – giving them a sense of ‘possibility’ and spark opportunities for long-term creativity in a world after Delph Side. Within this, we are developing character and resilience in our young people.
#enjoy #embrace #evolve #wemakethedifference
Adult Art Sessions
Additionally, The Studio is also a creative hub for Parents, and others in our school community. We hold weekly Adult Art sessions, where Adults can come along to #embrace their creativity and engage with other adults. Adult sessions are based on units of work, developed by our specialist teacher, starting from beginners, and applying new skills as the weeks progress. Adults are also involved in what direction they would like the sessions to go in and what skills they would like to #evolve. As well as Adult sessions, we also run Adult and child sessions, where families can work together on small projects, encouraging communication and giving them opportunities to come together creatively, share skills and develop memories.