Over the past two weeks, year 1 have been learning about school rules and what good consequences are and what negative consequences are. We have talked about how actions have consequences and what they look like at home and in school. We read the school rules and discussed what good learning looks like. We played circle games following each others lead so we could understand that are actions have an affect on others. We talked about how we feel when we get verbal rewards, class dojo points, school badges, stickers and certificates. Every child was given a proud moment ticket and we celebrated each other’s happy moments. The children then drew a memory of when they followed the rules and they were given a good consequence from that. “Mine is a picture of me holding the door open for a big kid and they gave me a high five!” “I have got a dip in the box for good phonics.” “I’m tidying up and I didn’t make the mess but I got dojo points.” “That’s me looking after my friend who fell over. I gave them a hug.” #embrace #enjoy #evolve