Last week during our Jigsaw lesson we talked about how we are all different from one another and how the world would be a boring place if we all looked and acted the same. We discussed how we look different and talked about our different interests. We then drew pictures to explain what our families look like; some children have a big family, some children have a small family, some family live in the house all together and others have family in many different houses or even countries! We finished the sentences “One way my family is the same is…” “One way my family is different is…”. Even though all our families are different there was one messaged that remained the same, these are the people who love and care for us! 

Anti-bulling Week has linked perfectly with our Jigsaw past work of belonging to our school and celebrating differences. I asked the children “Who’s job is it to stop bullies?” Many of them responded with teachers and other adults working in the school. I explained that although they are helpful and great people to reach out too, it is YOUR job to stop bullying by looking out for one another and knowing who to talk to when someone has made you upset or you have seen something not right. As a class, we looked at different pictures of bullying scenarios and talked about what might have happened before and after as well as discuss how each person in the picture was feeling. We discussed if it was happening to us or a friend who would you talk to. Together, we all named 5 people on our fingers that we can talk to if we are worried or sad. It was fantastic to see the children share so many family members, friends, teachers, teaching assistants and other adults in their lives who they know could help them no matter what! We drew a mind map of those people and shared with our friends who they are. #enjoy #embrace #evolve