This week is Anti-Bullying week, which works great alongside our PSHE lesson this week, 'I'm Special, I'm me', which helps the children to understand that being different makes us all special and it is ok to be and do different things to the people around us.  The children in Reception read the story 'Be Kind'. We discussed the different scenarios and paused at different moments to discuss what the children could have done to help and how we can support others when they are feeling sad. Mrs Brady then used puppets to act out different scenarios and the children discussed who they could have reached out to for help. They then created their own #reachout hand, drawing all of the people they can turn to and ask for help when needed. It was lovely to see how the children understood their sense of responsibility & membership to their class and the people around them. #AntiBullyingWeek

{gallery:Reception- Anti Bullying & Jigsaw