English - Biographies
This week in English, Year 3 have been really enthusiastic learning about biographies and reading about the lives of different famous people! Over the next couple of weeks we will be writing our own biography about a chosen person.
Year 3 Black History Month
Year 3 found it really interesting learning about Black History Month. Some brilliant conversations took place. During Jigsaw later in the day, we listened to a story with the title 'All Born Free' and Year 3 children related this to our Black History discussions from this…
Year 3 PE Gymnastics
Year 3 are enjoying gymnastics lessons in PE with Mrs Burton and Shares.
Year 3 Science Forces
Year 3 have started to learn about forces in Science. We started by looking at pushing and pulling and had a go at freeze framing actions, the rest of the class had to guess the action and force being used. Then we looked at how things move and played forces bingo. Who knew a game of forces…
Year 3 Geography
Year 3 were challenged to using maps to name and locate cities of the UK.
Year 3 with Poppy
Year 3 enjoyed spending some time with the famous Poppy!
Year 3 Printing
Year 3 used quickprint to draw their fossils then used paint to print their brilliant fossils.
Year 3 Art Drawing
Year 3 have enjoyed creating a research page about Eric Gill and Christa Rijneveld who are both printing artists. They then used art pencils to draw fossils, they perfected their drawings ready to create a print next lesson.
Year 3 Jigsaw
In today’s Jigsaw lesson, Year 3 worked in pairs to mime different feelings. The rest of the class had to guess the feeling being mimed. Lots of laughs and fun were had during this activity!
Year 3 EcoHeadz
Year 3 enjoyed their visit from Healthy Minds UK today. They enjoyed using the augmented reality and tablets to find out about the impact humans have on the environment.
Year 3 Future World Changers
Year 3 Delph Side Future World Changers
These children certainly have ambition, what a bunch!
Year 3 English
In English today, Year 3 got in to role of the character the old man from The Tin Forest, we did some hot seating and conscience alley. Some great thoughts and feelings shared from the view point of the character.