Image of Year 2: Writing Planning (Lost and Found)
17 March 2024

Year 2: Writing Planning (Lost and Found)

Year 2 have been having an amazing time in English and have been #evolving their writing skills every lesson. They have been outstanding. The handwriting, presentation and creativity is everything we want! Super proud of all the children for working immensely hard and getting stuck into the our…

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Image of Year 2: World Book Day 2024
17 March 2024

Year 2: World Book Day 2024

This year World Book Day blew us all away in DelphSide. Year 2 had a fantastic time dressing up as their favourite characters and in their snuggly pyjamas. They had so much fun and really #enjoyed the day. So much creativity this year, might be hard to beat next year! #Embrace


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Image of Year 2 - Animating using Sketch.demometalab
23 February 2024

Year 2 - Animating using Sketch.demometalab

This weeks computing lesson in Year 2 was about animation. Specifically looking at converting our own real life drawings into pieces of animation. We made our drawings come alive using the wonders of ( technology. Brilliant work from Year 2. Use the link and you can…

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Image of Year 2: Safer Internet Day 2024
9 February 2024

Year 2: Safer Internet Day 2024

During Safer Internet Day Year 2 got stuck into some scenarios about what can change when online. During each scenario we came up with emotions how we might feel during each situation. We answered a series of questions and watched an informative short-video on 'change' when online and how to be…

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Image of Year 2: Mental Health Week
9 February 2024

Year 2: Mental Health Week

During mental health week, the children looked at strategies they could use to benefit their own mental health. They also thought about how sometimes your favourite things can help you take a step back and calm you down when you may be upset or angry. We also spoke about how normal those emotions…

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Image of Year 2 Geography - Compass Directions and Human and Physical Features of Delph Side.
31 January 2024

Year 2 Geography - Compass Directions and Human and Physical Features of Delph Side.

Year 2 today explored directions outside. We looked at the different directions and what human and physical features we could see from the gazebo on our school playground. We sketched and drew what we could see and explained which were human and physical features. Sublime fieldwork from year 2.…

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Image of Year 2 3D printing - Digital Art Creation
29 January 2024

Year 2 3D printing - Digital Art Creation

The children made some digital art today to showcase their digital art skills. READY FOR 3D PRINTING! Superb work from Year 2 as always. #Enjoy #Evolve #Embrace




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Image of Year 2 Jigsaw PSHE - My learning strengths
24 January 2024

Year 2 Jigsaw PSHE - My learning strengths

Today Year 2 started today's Jigsaw lesson by passing a smile across the class. The children enjoyed doing this and this was a perfect start to the lesson. We then completed our Jigsaw charter and also did our 'calm me' activity. Today's lesson focus was about our learning strengths and looking at…

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Image of Year 2 Science - Healthy and Unhealthy foods
19 January 2024

Year 2 Science - Healthy and Unhealthy foods

In science we looked at healthy and unhealthy foods, we also looked at the affects on the body and eating foods in moderation to be healthy! #Enjoy #Embrace #Evolve

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Image of Year 2 Computing: 3D Printing and design planning
10 January 2024

Year 2 Computing: 3D Printing and design planning

The children today started to plan their 3D printing designs so we can scan them and create them. Some of the drawings were exceptional! Absolutely amazing work from Year 2. They really enjoyed designing their prints. Next step - Perfection - to make the perfect design they would like to make. We…

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Image of Year 2 - Learning Properties of Shapes
14 December 2023

Year 2 - Learning Properties of Shapes

Today year 2 learnt about the properties of 2D shapes including sides and vertices. The children were extremely enthusiastic. The children also made notes of the shapes they made next to the straw shapes. #Enjoy #Embrace #Evolve

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Image of Year 2: Festive season is upon us!
4 December 2023

Year 2: Festive season is upon us!

Festive season has descended upon Year 2, and we are giving you a sneak peak at our classroom door and our Nativity practice! #Enjoy #Embrace #Evolve (More behind the scenes photos to be added shortly!).


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