Image of Year 2 Science
25 April 2023

Year 2 Science

In science, year 2 are investigating whether plants are sensitive to light and if a plant will grow around a maze to reach the light. They are very excited to watch their plant grow over the next couple of weeks.


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Image of Year 2 computing
19 April 2023

Year 2 computing

Today Year 2 have been collected data and created their own pictograms using ilearn2. 


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Image of Year 2 volume and capacity
31 March 2023

Year 2 volume and capacity

Year 2 have learnt about capacity and volume. They have collected different sized jugs and looked at which ones have the greatest/ smallest capacity. 




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Image of Year 2 healthy eating
20 March 2023

Year 2 healthy eating

In jigsaw, Year 2 have been learning how to be healthy. They got to taste different fruit an decided which ones they liked. They then made their own fruit kebabs.


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Image of Year 2 music
7 March 2023

Year 2 music

Today, Year 2 have been learning how to hold the recorder and play the note 'f'.  


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Image of Year 2 World Book Day
2 March 2023

Year 2 World Book Day

year 2 have had a fun-filled day of World Book Day activities. 


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Image of Safer Internet day 2023
7 February 2023

Safer Internet day 2023

Year 2 have been learning all about #saferinternetday. We have learnt how to keep passwords safe by reading @childsnet story on Digiduck. We also talked about what we should and should not share online. 


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Image of Year 2 Pirate day
31 January 2023

Year 2 Pirate day



Year 2 had a great start to the day today pretending to be pirates.

They pretended to walk the plank, steal each others treasure and learnt what life would have been like as a pirate. They were introduced to their non-chronological report called 'plundering pirates' and are very…

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Image of Imagine that!
24 January 2023

Imagine that!

Year 2 have made memories they'll never forget at Imagine That! today.


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Image of Fun in the snow
17 January 2023

Fun in the snow

Year 2 have had lost of fun in the snow today.




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Image of Year 2 Geography
10 January 2023

Year 2 Geography

Today, Year 2 learnt about Continents and Oceans.

They #enjoyed looking at the globe to find out where where the continents and oceans are and created their own maps.

#embrace #evolve


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Image of 3D shapes
5 January 2023

3D shapes

Year 2 have had a fantastic start to the new year and have been learning all about 3D shapes. 


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