Image of Nursery 2s - Icy Cold!
12 January 2023

Nursery 2s - Icy Cold!

It may be icy cold outside but our diddy Delph-Siders have been embracing the cold. They have made some bird feeders and hung them in our garden for the wildlife to eat. They enjoyed a new experience of painting on/with ice cubes and talked about the animals in Antarctica; whether they live on…

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Image of Nursery 2s - Happy New Year!
6 January 2023

Nursery 2s - Happy New Year!

We are back and we have welcomed even more brand-new diddy Delph-Siders!


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Image of Nursery 2s - We Have Our Own Ideas!
9 December 2022

Nursery 2s - We Have Our Own Ideas!

We are coming to the end of our first term and wow, what a difference 3 months makes! I am so proud of how far our diddy Delph-Siders have come. They are so independent and just love coming up with their own games and fascinations.

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Image of Nursery 2s-Farm Animals
1 December 2022

Nursery 2s-Farm Animals

Our diddy Delph-Siders have been busy learning lots about farms. They have been sorting the farm animals into different sections of their own creative farms; building dens for the animals; singing ‘Old MacDonald had a farm’ and working together to make animal puppets jump up as high as they can…

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Image of Nurserys 2s - Here We Go Round The Mulberry Bush
24 November 2022

Nurserys 2s - Here We Go Round The Mulberry Bush

This is the way we brush our teeth, brush our teeth, brush our teeth!

Our diddy Delph-Siders have been singing a new nursery rhyme each week and this week's was 'Here We Go Round The Mulberry Bush'. They have been singing about brushing their teeth and then putting it into practice. They have…

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Image of Nursery 2s - All Stripy and Spotty
17 November 2022

Nursery 2s - All Stripy and Spotty

Our diddy delph-Siders have been looking closely at spots and stripes this week. They have been building their skills in spotting patterns, matching them to the animals, and mark-making their own spots and stripes too.

#Enjoy #Evolve

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Image of Preschool - Remembrance Week
11 November 2022

Preschool - Remembrance Week

- Victory Garden}

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Image of Nursery 2's - Remembrance Week
8 November 2022

Nursery 2's - Remembrance Week

Many thanks to our special visitors. The beaming smiles on our diddy Delph-Siders' faces, says it all!

#Enjoy #Embrace 

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Image of Nursery 2's - Halloween to Guy Fawkes Celebrations
3 November 2022

Nursery 2's - Halloween to Guy Fawkes Celebrations

What a busy, busy week for our delightful diddy Delph-Siders! They have had THE best disco celebrating Halloween; talked about Bonfire Night celebrations and flicked paint to represent fireworks; traced over patterns in glittery sparkle dust and explored shimmering water using their scooping and…

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