Nursery 2s - Having A Wheely Good Time!
The balance bikes have been really popular this week. Our diddy Delph Siders have been zooming around and using their spatial awareness skills to manoeuvre past obstacles.
Nursery 2s - Coronation Celebrations
Our diddy Delph Siders have been enjoying a royal week with some planting and den building too. They ended their week with a red, white and blue day, and enjoyed a Coronation afternoon tea of cucumber sandwiches and jam tarts.
Nursery 2s - Happiness!
With even more new faces this week, our diddy Delph Siders have been happily building the most adorable little friendships.
Nursery 2s - Welcome Back!
Oh my! How we have missed our diddy Delph-Siders. Back together after their Easter holiday with a few new smiley faces too!
Nursery 2s - Easter Treats!
Our diddy Delph-Siders have been preparing for Easter by making some Easter goodies. They really enjoyed making them...but enjoyed eating them more!
Nursery 2s - Helping Hands
Diddy Delph-Siders to the rescue! Always there to lend a helping hand.
Nursery 2s - Busy Hands
Another busy week for our diddy Delph-Siders from catching hailstones to making some beautiful flowers for their special person. As well as that they have made a lucky shamrock for St Patrick's day and practised cutting with a knife and fork, and using scissors. Wowzers!
Preschool's Traffic Police
Our preschool kiddos have been speeding around their fabulous outdoor track for far too long! Well, now is the time to play 'Traffic Police'. They were doing a great job of taking the numbers of those speeding, writing them on their clipboards and giving them some stern words about driving…
Nursery 2s - St David's Day
It's been all about using our senses this week. Our diddy Delph-Siders have been exploring and investigating St David's Day daffodils and leeks, and have spread a little joy to their families by surprising them with a daffodil to take home.
Preschool World Book Day 2023
Preschool have loved sharing their favourite books with their friends today. They talked about the characters in the stories and what their favourite parts of the books were.
Nursery 2s - World Book Day 2023
Our diddy Delph-Siders have enjoyed their day all snuggly in their pyjamas, cuddling their bears and reading their favourite books. Perfect!