Outdoor Learning in Year 5!
Year 5 loved their outdoor learning afternoon yesterday! #enjoy
Rorschach Art!
We have been creating our own artwork in the style of Rorschach! #enjoy #embrace #evolve
Rainforest Layers!
We have been learning about the different layer sin the rainforest! #enjoy #evolve
Exploring Features of Information Texts!
Y5 have enjoyed exploring the features of non-fiction text types! #evolve
Planetarium - Y5 Science!
Y5 loved the visit from the Planetarium this week as part of our Earth and Space topic!
We have been exploring the art of Banksy this afternoon in Y5!
#embrace #evolve
Healthy Minds UK! Y5
Y5 learnt all about anxiety and depression in this terms Healthy Mind session!
(it was not as dull as it sounds)
Locating Countries in the Amazon Basin!
We have started our new geography topic, The Americas!
Our first job has to been to locate all the countries within the Amazon Basin.
#enjoy #embrace #evolve
Christingles in Y5!
Y5 created their Christingles with help from some local volunteers! #enjoy
Rocky Road!
We put together our own formula for the perfect rocky road to sell at our Christmas fair!
Attendance Points! Y5
Y5 enjoyed spending their points in the attendance cabinet this half term! Some of them are still saving for the big money prizes!
Hour of Code in Y5! 2019
Y5 enjoyed their Hour of Code this afternoon! #enjoy embrace