Image of St George’s Day!
23 April 2019

St George’s Day!

We have had a brilliant St George’s day today! We worked with year 6 to create a dance, we sculptured dragon eyes and composed our own piece of music!

#enjoy #wemakethedifference

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Image of French Day in Year 5!
4 April 2019

French Day in Year 5!

We’ve had a great morning in year 5 learning how to say what foods we like and dislike in French!

#enjoy #embrace #wemakethedifference

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Image of Magazine Features!
27 March 2019

Magazine Features!

We have been identifying a range of text types in magazines this week! We have looked at their layouts and text types in preparation for our writing next week! #enjoy

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Image of Solar System Databases!
27 March 2019

Solar System Databases!

During computing, we have been creating databases all about the solar system! We've included a range of facts such as orbital rotations times and temperatures!

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Image of Outdoor Learning at the Beacon!
19 March 2019

Outdoor Learning at the Beacon!

We had a brilliant day at the Beacon this morning! We took part in lots of activities that challenged our communication skills!

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Image of World Book Day - Year 5
6 March 2019

World Book Day - Year 5

These are some on the pictures from World Book Day!

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Image of Becoming an Astronaut!
6 March 2019

Becoming an Astronaut!

We put ourselves in th shoes of an astronaut this afternoon with the power of VR!

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Image of Science Week!
5 March 2019

Science Week!

Science Week!

In year 5 this week, we have been conducting fair tests to explore forces in physics and chemical reactions in chemistry!

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