27 June 2024

Hooray For Fish

Pre-School have had a lovely week #embracing the indoor and outdoor provision. They have created treasure maps, have practised balancing and have taken a keen interest in playing with the musical instruments.


#enjoy #embrace #evolve 


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20 June 2024

Commotion in the Ocean

There is a commotion in the ocean over at Pre-School! This week the children have been learning lots of different facts about animals that live in the sea.

Our lovely Outdoor Area has been a hit this week and the children have #enjoyed the enhancements in the provision. We have made a pirate…

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13 June 2024

Commotion in the ocean

This week our Pre-School children have built pirate ships, looked for buried treasure and created their own pirate maps 		</div>
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6 June 2024

A hole in the bottom of the sea

After a lovely half term break, our Pre-School children are back and are really enjoying their new topic 'SPLASH'. We have been reading the book 'A hole in the bottom of the sea' and have enjoyed learning the names of animals that live in the ocean. We have also learnt how to keep the ocean clean,…

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23 May 2024

Superworm, sunflowers and butterflies.

Let’s please take a moment for the sunflowers that Pre-School have grown! Not only have Pre-School made sure they have been looked after, but they have been watching them grow now for 6 weeks! 		</div>
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16 May 2024

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Pre-School have had a very exciting week watching their caterpillars hang from the pot and create a chrysalis around them. We now have 9 chrysalis and are excited to watch them turn into butterflies. Not only that, but our sunflowers, that we planted, planted in the week after half term, are…

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9 May 2024

The very hungry caterpillar

This week Pre-School have had a very special delivery of caterpillars. We have learnt that caterpillars come from an egg and when they are strong they create a home for themselves called a chrysalis. Our caterpillar's are becoming super strong and we can't wait to see a chrysalis! 
This week our…

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2 May 2024

Marvellous Minibeasts

What a week in Pre-School!!

We have created a bee hotel and have been fascinated by the bees that have visited. We have made a bug hotel that is slowly getting some guests particularly beetles. AND we have become fascinated by ladybirds and made our own ladybirds using paper plates.

We have…

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26 April 2024

Jasper's Beanstalk.

This week Pre-School have been reading the story Jasper's beanstalk. We have made sure that out sunflowers are getting light, air and water. We were super excited today when we visited the garden centre and saw that one of our flowers has started to grow!

We have also been practising big gross…

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18 April 2024

Spring - Planting seeds.

This week Pre-School have learnt how to plant a seed and followed a set of instructions to plant their own Sunflower seeds. We are very excited to watch them grow over the next couple of weeks!

#enjoy #embrace #evolve

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28 March 2024

A lovely end of half term

What another lovely week it has been inn Pre-School!! From a gorgeous Easter themed stay & play to learning about the meaning of Easter, our Pre-schoolers have #embraced their final week before half term.

#enjoy #embrace #evolve


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21 March 2024

we're going on an egg hunt

Pre-School have had an EGG-citing week this week as they have been reading the book 'we're going on an egg hunt'.

They have used different sized paintbrushes to paint eggs, counted chicks and sorted eggs into different colours.

We have some very excited Pre-schoolers who are looking forward…

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