Image of Y5 geography
20 May 2024

Y5 geography

Y5 have been studying the countries of South America and locating countries which are occupied by rainforest land. 

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Image of Y5 use microbits!
15 May 2024

Y5 use microbits!

Y5 LOVED their latest computing topic on programming physical devices! We used Microbits to download our code onto and manipulate how the microbit works to physically respond to our on-screen coding. A memorable lesson for sure! #enjoy #wemakethedifference

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Image of Y5 Science
8 May 2024

Y5 Science

Y5 have been studying the human lifecycle and how we can find trends in data. We used height data for males and females to complete line graphs which show general patterns of males being taller.

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Image of Y5 Study the human lifecycle
18 April 2024

Y5 Study the human lifecycle

We have been studying the key phases within the human lifecycle, from foetus to elderly adult - and what changes are typical within each phase.

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Image of Y5 visit the Runway Visitor Park
26 March 2024

Y5 visit the Runway Visitor Park

Y5 have had a blast at Runway Visitor Park at Manchester Airport. We've been on a DC-10, walked underneath Concorde and had a guided tour of Terminal 2. What a great day using our learning about gravity, air resistance and friction. #enjoy #wemakethedifference

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Image of Y5 Comprehension
20 March 2024

Y5 Comprehension

Y5 have been organising a text and summarising paragraphs by matching them to the correct subheadings.

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Image of Y5 Spanish
15 March 2024

Y5 Spanish

Y5 have been finishing off their 'Las estaciones' topic - all about the four seasons and typical weather in each season. We've been writing short sentences in Spanish about the seasons.

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Image of Year 5 visit a mosque and a cathedral in one day!
6 March 2024

Year 5 visit a mosque and a cathedral in one day!

Y5 had a great time visiting Manchester Central Mosque and Manchester Cathedral as part of their Islamic studies in RE, and as part of their history topic on the Golden Age of Islam.

We asked some amazing questions to the Imam and learned all about the Islamic faith, before heading over to theā€¦

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Image of Y5 Handwriting time
28 February 2024

Y5 Handwriting time

We've been practicing our handwriting with some quiet time - with more and more of us moving onto pen as the weeks go by.

Top effort, Y5!


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Image of Y5 enjoying their reading books
23 February 2024

Y5 enjoying their reading books

Y5 have been enjoying some independent reading time with their books. They've LOVED going into The Loft at breaks and lunches to read and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere. #enjoy #embrace #wemakethedifference #reading

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Image of Y5 Safer Internet Day
6 February 2024

Y5 Safer Internet Day

Y5 have been taking part in Safer Internet Day activities - with a focus on artificial intelligence and how it can impact our lives. We then discussed how apps and their algorithms can tailor content which persuades and influences us.

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Image of Y5 Mental Health workshop
29 January 2024

Y5 Mental Health workshop

Year 5 started the week with a mental health workshop, focusing on mindfulness and using yoga as a way of organising our minds. We spent time in a calming environment and thought about ourselves in a lovely morning session. What a great way to start the week.


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