Image of Y5 get hashtagging in reading
3 October 2023

Y5 get hashtagging in reading

Year Five have been learning how to summarise a text by applying hashtags to specific parts of our text. After one lesson, we were able to recall and summarise the main points from each section - thanks to #hashtags.


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Image of Year Five sieving and filtering
29 September 2023

Year Five sieving and filtering

Year Five have been learning about sieving and filtering as ways of separating mixtures. We used sieves, funnels, beakers and coffee filter paper whilst working scientifically in groups - deciding how best to approach our investigation.


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Image of Y5 head to Holy Island!
22 September 2023

Y5 head to Holy Island!

Y5 are having such an amazing time while at Holy Island, Lindisfarne.  We've been visiting the site which the Vikings raided the peaceful monastery of St Cuthbert's and began their invasion of Britain - all the way back in 793AD.

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Image of Y5 Reading for Enjoyment
16 September 2023

Y5 Reading for Enjoyment

Y5 have been enjoying some reading for enjoyment  - with a lovely, relaxing atmosphere and a great book.

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Image of Y5 are flying with spelling
6 September 2023

Y5 are flying with spelling

Y5 have been flying with their learning from Friday, and we've cracked on with our first spelling unit of the year - using words with silent 'b'.

What a start from the FANTASTIC FIVES!

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Image of Year Five's Aspirations Adventure!
4 July 2023

Year Five's Aspirations Adventure!

What a day Year Five have had! We've met so many excellent people who have shared their stories and given us insights into their careers. We've met an engineer, an IT consultant and former Delphsider, a barrister, paramedics and fire fighters - all with links to our local community.


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Image of Year Five visit Edge Hill University
4 July 2023

Year Five visit Edge Hill University

Y5 had a great day at Edge Hill University as part of our Aspirations Days and National Fieldwork Fortnight. We conducted virtual fieldwork using the university's computer suite, then headed off for a tour of the campus. We then got involved in some maths reasoning and problem solving. 


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Image of Year Five Fieldwork Walk
27 June 2023

Year Five Fieldwork Walk


Year Five conducted a fieldwork study of locations within our local area. We used compasses, maps with symbols and estimated distances from each location on our map. We orientated our maps to magnetic north, then came back into class to establish accurate compass bearings using the eight…

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Image of Year Five Amazon Simulation
26 June 2023

Year Five Amazon Simulation

Year Five have had such a brilliant time experiencing what life is like for indigenous tribes in the Amazon rainforest. We carried water from a well to our settlement, held a council meeting, made water filters, made makeshift shelters and held a courtroom case against a logging corporation.…

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Image of Year Five Protect the Egg
20 June 2023

Year Five Protect the Egg

Year Five had a great time designing a protective nest for an egg. We discussed the materials we could use to protect our egg from a fall, and discussed the properties of the materials. We then teamed up into 4 teams and designed a suitable cocoon to place our egg in. Some groups decided to use a…

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Image of Year Five discover physical features of the Amazon
14 June 2023

Year Five discover physical features of the Amazon

Y5 have been learning about the Amazon rainforest, this week, by studying some of the physical geographical features which make the Amazon what it is - including grasslands, floodplains, the Andes and the Amazon River itself. #embrace #wemakethedifference

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Image of Year Five find the Amazon Rainforest
7 June 2023

Year Five find the Amazon Rainforest

Year Five located the Amazon Rainforest within South America and used tracing paper to overlay the Amazon Basin, which we found sprawls across no fewer than 9 countries. We then named the countries and discussed 6 of the major cities to be found within the Amazon Basin. We talked about the…

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