Image of Telling the time!
8 June 2022

Telling the time!

This week in Y4 we have started learning about time (which is super tricky!) but the children have been absolutely smashing it! We’ve learned the difference between analogue and digital, about ‘past’ and ‘to’ and how to show different times on our clocks. Keep it up! 

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Image of Y4 PSHE
6 June 2022


Year 4 have been learning about where their physical characteristics come from. We learned that we get 50% of our DNA from our mother and 50% from our father. The children had a go at creating characteristics for a child using features from two parents. They loved showing their characteristics at…

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Image of Year 4 Jubilee Day!
27 May 2022

Year 4 Jubilee Day!

Year 4 have enjoyed a wonderful day celebrating the platinum jubilee! We started off by creating individual collages which we could put together to create one large picture - a coin with the Queen’s face! We had our lunch outside where we enjoyed eating and dancing together. All in all a fantastic…

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Image of Year 4 dance!
26 May 2022

Year 4 dance!

Year 4 have had a great half term learning different dance routines. They have been warming up, stretching and learning new vocabulary such as unison, break and formation. Have a watch of their fabulous routine! 

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Image of Year 4 dance!
23 May 2022

Year 4 dance!

Year 4 loved their dance lesson last week. They practised lots of different moves and showcased them to their classmates! 

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Image of Year 4 - Melting and Cooling!
18 May 2022

Year 4 - Melting and Cooling!

Today, Year 4 learned all about melting and cooling. We learned that when solids are melted, the particles move faster until they can separate and move around each other. When they cool, the particles move slower and form a solid structure once again. We worked in pairs to recreate the particles…

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Image of Year 4 - rounding numbers
11 May 2022

Year 4 - rounding numbers

Year 4 have been learning how to round decimal numbers today. We played a bingo game where the children worked in pairs and used dice to create a 2 digit number. They then had to check If any of the decimal numbers on their card rounded up to the number on the dice. The first to cross all out won!…

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Image of PSHE - big feelings!
9 May 2022

PSHE - big feelings!

Today we have been exploring the feeling of  jealousy.  We discussed what jealousy was, how it can affect us and looked at different scenarios where someone might feel jealous. The children came up with lots of good ways to help us overcome this feeling! 

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