Year 4 - Anti Bullying Week 2024
This week has been anti-bullying week. We took part in a BBC live lesson where we learnt about what bullying is and how we can resolve conflict in a respectful way!
Remembrance Week in Year 4
This week, Year 4 have been learning all about The Blutz. First, we learnt about how people would blackout their houses by covering the windows and turning off the lights to confuse German bombers. Then we learnt about how Britain needed to ration food as the German’s were bombing ships with food…
Solid, Liquid or Gas?
This week, Year 4 have been learning about solids, liquids and gases. We discovered that some solids can behave like liquids (because we can pour them) and some materials are really hard to catergorise. Mrs Ward made some oobleck, which feels like a solid when you pick it up, but as soon as you…
7/10/24 - Halloween Fun!
This week at Forest School, Year 4 LOVED creating halloween decorations using wood cookies. They drilled a hole near the top to thread some string through. They decided on their design and off they went! Have a look at some of the amazing designs they created. Forest School looks SO much better…
Collecting data in Science!
This week, Year 4 went to Forest School to find as many invertebrates as they could. They used a tally cart to keep score!
Finding the 5 key events in the text - Reading!
We have been reading the story 'Zombierella' in Year 4 and the children are absolutely loving it! Tuis week, we read chapterfour, where Cinderella died and turned into Zombierella! Children worked in pairs to find the 5 key events from this weeks chapter and put them into chronological…
Graphic Design in Computing - 2024
Year 4 started practising their graphic design skills in Computing last week. They designed a mail icon following a step-by-step guide using the app Keynote. They did so well that we managed to go even further and design a watch on their too!
Grouping Animals in Y4
This week, Year 4 have been learning all about classifying animals based on their physical features. We worked in groups to sort animals into mammals, fish, birds, amphibians, reptiles and insects!
#enjoy #embrace #evolve
Flexible partitioning in Maths!
In Year 4, we have been learning how to flexibly partition numbers using part-whole models!
Aspirations Week 2024
Year 4 have LOVED exploring different jobs this week. So far, we’ve met a barrister, paramedic and a scientist! They’ve been discussing different job roles that they’d like when they’re older.
Reflection time in Year 4
In today’s Jigsaw lesson, Year 4 discussed their dreams and goals for Year 5. We talked about how we’ve changed since the beginning of the year and what we’ve improved on. When they joined Year 4, each child wrote a letter to themself about what their strengths and weaknesses were. We read those…
Unique Me! PSHE
This week in Jigsaw, Year 4 have been learning about where we get our physical features from. We discussed how we get our DNA from our biological parents (which is where our looks come from), however, our personalities can be shaped from the people around us and our life experiences.