Reception-Pumpkin fun
A pumpkin appeared in Reception’s outdoor area!
“What’s that?...Where did it come from?...Can I look inside?...It’s massive!…It’s really heavy!…Can someone help me?…WOW!…It’s slimy…Smells nice…I went pumpkin picking. It was really good. I went with my mum…I’ve been too! I sat in a…
Celebrating Black History Month in Reception
Reception have had a very busy morning preparing and enjoying a traditional African tropical fruit salad.
Their 'Saladi Ya Matunda' consisted of bananas, peaches, melon, pineapple, mango, a drizzle of runny honey and avacado. The children couldn't get enough of it and asked for more! Some…
Reception - Baking Hedgehog Bread
Inspired by their Little Red Hen story, Reception class made some hedgehog bread, from scratch! They got stuck in into weighing, mixing, kneading and forming their hedgehog shaped buns and lots of discussion about grinding wheat into flour, just like the hen. But, unlike the hen, Reception class…
Reception Enjoying Some Hello Yellow Yoga
For #HelloYellow2021, Reception class have been sharing their thoughts about their feelings and what they could do to help themselves to feel better. They talked about getting enough sleep, how they could build good relationships and how that might help them to feel happy and if they're not…
Reception's Football Fun!
Reception wanted to catch the last bit of sunshine for the day so opted for some football fun. They certainly have some future footballers in the making.
The Real Little Red Hen met Reception!
Reception have been reading the story, The Little Red Hen and today, she made a guest appearance! Reception were very gentle with her and very excited to meet a celebrity.
Thanks to Mrs Davies and Holly (Aka The Little Red Hen).
Reception's Super Sorting!
Is there anything Reception can't sort? They have sorted cups and saucers, a variety of buttons, 3d shapes and even their own shoes at home. They discussed colour, size, shape and even if the shapes could roll or not!
Reception's Vegetable Shop Opening
What expert shoppers we have in Reception class. They browsed, they queued, they paid by card and thanked their cashier. Magnificent manners from the marvellous Reception!
Reception class practising their target skills.
Reception class had a fun time rolling their ball towards a target. It was a bit tricky but they persevered and got lots of points, then they joined in a speedy game of ‘cups and saucers’.
Not-so-muddy Monday!
Reception class have been busy little bees today. They have created the most beautiful bark rubbings, found a hole where a T-Rex's egg MUST have been left, balanced along a really wobbly log, made their very own zip-line, and much, much more. Bring on the rain for next…
Loving Outdoors in Reception
Reception are having a great time exploring in their outside area.
Our first week in Reception
Blossoming friendships, lots of laughter and fun in the sun.