Image of Do you want to draw a snowman?
9 December 2021

Do you want to draw a snowman?

Reception took on a new challenge today and had amazing results.  They listened to, and understood step by step instructions for drawing their snowmen.

#Enjoy #Embrace 

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Image of Reception - Ice Explorers
2 December 2021

Reception - Ice Explorers

Yesterday, Reception were building bridges over water.  Today, Reception enjoyed exploring ice!  "How did it get there?  Why is it wet?  Can we break it up?  What shall we use?  What shapes can we see?  What's happening to it? Will we have ice again tomorrow?  We hope so!"




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Image of Reception - Aliens Love Underpants!
26 November 2021

Reception - Aliens Love Underpants!

Lots of giggles could be heard in Reception today!  They loved designing underpants for their aliens.  They used their mathematical skills and drew some 2D shapes on the pants too.



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Image of Reception - Weighing up the risk!
24 November 2021

Reception - Weighing up the risk!

Reception have been taking safety measures when weighing up the risks within their play.  Yes, they knew there was a chance they could fall, but by making sure their bricks were stable and didn't wobble (too much), they were happy to give it a try.  They were brave and confident during their…

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Image of Friendship Day and Pudsy!
22 November 2021

Friendship Day and Pudsy!

Reception had a superb day celebrating their friendships.

They each gave One Kind Word to be written on a balloon and explained how it felt to have such wonderful and kind friends.  Reception then made heart shapes with their hands to show to their friends.

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Image of Reception - Spatial Thinking
18 November 2021

Reception - Spatial Thinking

Reception are enjoying exploring with their spatial thinking skills.  They have been using their whole bodies to move under, over, through and around an obstacle course and have been inspired by Kandinsky's 'Stained in triangle' art to create their own piece of artwork.


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Image of Reception - Geometry
16 November 2021

Reception - Geometry

Reception have been doing a bit of detective work; digging around in their woodland area, recognising circles and triangles in our natural environment outdoors. They built their own triangles and circles but had a challenge - could they build a circle with sticks?  A unanimous 'no' was the answer.…

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Image of Remembrance Week- ICT in Reception
13 November 2021

Remembrance Week- ICT in Reception

Reception class are definitely becoming technological experts who have mastered how to choose an appropriate programme to explore their artistic talents.  They were able to choose designs, colours, and the type of brushes they wanted for their poppies during our Remembrance week.


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Image of Reception-Remembrance Day
11 November 2021

Reception-Remembrance Day

Reception class have been learning about the past and the significance of wearing a poppy.

They discussed events and thought about the feelings of others whilst looking at poignant images.

#Embace #Evolve




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Image of Reception-problem solving
10 November 2021

Reception-problem solving

“The floor’s lava!”

Mrs M was so impressed with Reception’s problem solving skills.  Not only did they work as a team to manoeuvre their way across their outdoor area, but they talked strategies, thought about their safety and included everyone who wanted to join in. Each one had a very…

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Image of Parliament Week in Reception
3 November 2021

Parliament Week in Reception

Our thoughts, feelings and opinions are so important to us in Reception. By taking part in a very official vote today, we discussed what we could consider when making important decisions, how to manage our emotions and the importance of turn taking. We then waited with baited breath to find out…

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Image of Reception-Arts and Culture Day
1 November 2021

Reception-Arts and Culture Day

Reception have well and truly been inspired by the work of British sculptor, photographer and environmentalist, Andy Gloldsworthy OBE.

The creation of Reception's 'Magical Land Art' was thoroughly enjoyed by all of the children who worked enthusiastically to build their masterpiece. The…

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