Year 2 Science: Investigating The Needs of Birds and Exploring Bird Feeders!
In science this week, the children looked at bird feeders and why they are used. The children also investigated key words such as; Nocturnal and Diurnal. And we recapped on previous learning about Herbivores, Omnivores and Carnivores. We also looked at a new dietary type! Insectivores! #Enjoy…
Year 2 History World War work
The children loved their world war visitors. They looked at antiques, dressed up and asked loads of questions! Great enthusiasm from Year 2. #Enjoy #Evolve
Year 2 History - Special Time travelling visitors from 1666!
The children today loved their visit from the time travelers rom 1666. The children were enthusiastic all day and welcomed our guests politely! The children; had a visit from a curious plague doctor, they performed a classical dance from 1666, they dressed up like people from 1666, they watched a…
Year 2 Science - Classifying mammals
Today in Science Year 2 started a new topic. We looked at mammals and classified them into different groups. Herbivores, Carnivores and Omnivores! The children were very enthusiastic and also learnt the main 4 things mammals need to survive! #Enjoy #Evolve
Year 2 digital art lesson 2!
Today the children looked at digital art and created ladybirds, teddy bears, plates of food and much more. The children thoroughly enjoyed using the different tools to make their images!
#Enjoy #Embrace #Evolve
Year 2 History: COVID-19 vs. The plague
On Wednesday during our History lesson we looked at similarities and differences during the COVID-19 pandemic and the great plague! The children looked at a selection of images and decided whether it was linked to the plague or COVID-19. Our red hoop being the plague and our blue hoop being…
Year 2 Computing: Digital Art lesson 2!
Year 2 had so much fun today in their second digital art lesson. I think we may have some future talented graphics designers on our hands! Some beautiful work produced by the children today!
#Enjoy #Embrace #Evolve
Year 2 - Art - Printing Skills
Year 2 #enjoyed printing this week! We created small prints, experimenting with lines and shapes, ready to create our bigger printed piece.
Year 2 - RE - The Good Samaritan
Year 2 #enjoyed listening to the Christian story of The Good Samaritan. We looked at the importance of the story and how we could be kind and helpful to others, like the story suggests. We then worked in small groups to order and retell the story.
Year 2 History Plague doctor
The children had a slightly scary visitor on Wednesday. The children had many questions for the plague doctor and also made their own plague masks. The children also role played and pretended to be plague doctors from London during that era, bringing History alive! #Enjoy #Embrace…
Year 2 Computing: digital art
Year 2 had a great time creating digital art today! We made some amazing pieces of art. We also looked at why digital art is different from drawing and painting. #Enjoy #Embrace #Evovle