A Day in the Life of a Victorian Child Year 1
Today, we spent all day exploring the Victorian era. We identified some similarities and differences between ways of life comparing life back then to today. Miss Kinsella started the day introducing when the Victorian era was and how it link to the queen at that time, Queen Victoria, as it…
Y1 Comic Creators
This Summer term, Year 1 have been learning how to create a comic strip using a designing website on an iPad. Miss Kinsella and Mr Riley set the children the challenge of creating a comic called 'Superdog's Birthday!' Over the past few weeks, we have been using this website to familiarise…
Y1 Science Tree Hunt
Mr Riley took us on a tree hunt today! We explored all the trees on the playground looking at the different sizes, branches, leaves and needles and even discovered bumpy roots buried within the ground. We were asked if we thought the trees where evergreen or deciduous. Back in the classroom, we…
Year 1 RE- Is Shabbat important to Jewish children?
During Religious Education this term, we are exploring Judaism by answering the question "Is Shabbat important to Jewish children?" We are learning to empathise with Jewish children by understanding what they do during Shabbat and why it is important to them. Abbey Owl introduced the topic…
History Victorian Games and Playground Games
This term, we have been studying the Victorians. We have started our study by comparing our lives to theirs and what better place to start than with the things we love the most, TOYS! Firstly, we looked at what playground games they may have played and enjoyed and realised that some of these games…
Science Exploring Leaves Y1
This term we are looking at plants in Science. Last week, we explored the school grounds hunting for different leaves. We collected lots of different examples of leaves from trees, bushes and plants. Back in the classroom, we compared all the leaves collected in our table groups. We arranged them…
Autism Awareness Day Year 1
Today, we have come to school in our brightest, most colourful clothes to raise funds and awareness for the National Autistic Society. As it is World Autism Acceptance Week, we discussed what is Autism and how we should celebrate our differences. Autism is a lifelong condition which can affect…
Online Safety: Managing Online Information
Before beginning a Computing lesson, we discussed how to find information using digital technologies, e.g. search engines like Google and voice activated searching like Siri. During a circle time, we used an iPhone to ask Siri some questions of our choice. We found out how many people are in the…
Science Investigation: Stretchiness, Elasticity and Plasticity
This term we are learning about everyday materials. Today, we began our lesson talking about the different properties of materials before focusing on stretchiness. We watched a video of the world’s strongest trampoline and discussed what changes were made to make the trampoline stronger. Why have…
Y1 PE with Mr Edwards
We love PE lessons with Mr Edwards! Year 1 have been working on fundamental movement skills in the hall this term. Mr Edwards challenged us to move in different ways to start the lesson before introducing a hula-hoop. With the hula-hoop, we worked on keeping good control when moving with an…
Y1 Geography Using Directional Language
We came back from dinner to find map symbols had been placed on the carpet squares. Miss Kinsella challenged us to guide a blindfolded friend across the map to a place of their choice ie. From start to the supermarket or from the bus stop to the theme park. We could only guide using our voice with…
Y1 Music Spring 2
In Year 1 Music lessons this term, we ask the question "How does music help us to understand our neighbours?" This topics celebrates a wide range of musical styles from all over the world as well introducing pulse, rhythm and pitch. We are #evolving our listening skills by finding and keeping a…