Image of Year Six Military Drills
12 November 2021

Year Six Military Drills

Year Six experienced some military-style drills and warm ups in their latest PE session - luckily no muddy sprints in the rain!


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Image of Year Six Remembrance Week
12 November 2021

Year Six Remembrance Week

What a week Year Six have had! We've visited Western Approaches - The Battle of the Atlantic, made poppy crafts, tackled some geography across Europe, studied Anne Frank, had a lovely Remembrance lunch and observed our Two Minute's silence. Another example of our EMBRACE value across such an…

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Image of Year Six PE
6 November 2021

Year Six PE

Even in the cold, Year Six enjoyed their orienteering and teamwork session in PE!

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Image of Year Six Parliament Week
3 November 2021

Year Six Parliament Week

Year Six enjoyed learning about how laws are passed in Parliament, and the process of debating to green paper, to white paper and finally to Royal Ascent.


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Image of Year Six Artsmark Day
1 November 2021

Year Six Artsmark Day

Year Six have had a great time creating their collage artwork and using watercolours. We also read and performed poetry through the Jabberwocky by Lewis Carol. 


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Image of Year Six Bowling Event
25 October 2021

Year Six Bowling Event

Year Six children attended a Crown green bowling event on Friday and made us very proud with their performance and team work! One Y6 even won the 'Spot Prize' for their attitude and performance during the event!

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Image of Year Six - Martin Luther King Jr
25 October 2021

Year Six - Martin Luther King Jr

Year Six ended their Black History Month learning by studying the famous 'I have a dream'  speech by Martin Luther King Jr.

We discussed the meaning of key moments in the speech and the struggles that Luther King refer to.

We finished by scrapbooking a collection of thoughts with our…

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Image of Year Six French Day!
22 October 2021

Year Six French Day!

Bonjour tout le monde! Year Six have learnt loads of new language in today's French Day! We've played Simon says to learn classroom commands, had duels to shout out days of the week in French, learnt months of the year and learnt high street vocabulary...phew! Au Revoir! 

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Image of Year Six swab for microbes!
20 October 2021

Year Six swab for microbes!

Year Six had a fab time taking swab samples as part of their investigation into microbes. They then applied their swabs to petri dishes filled with agar. Next...we wait! Exciting times!


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Image of Year Six - Black History Month
18 October 2021

Year Six - Black History Month

Year Six learnt about Black History Month - why we study it and why it's important to recognise black history. We studied Nelson Mandela, and discussed discrimination, segregation, unity and anti-apartheid movements in South Africa. We also discussed more recent political movements which address…

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Image of Year Six code a game!
13 October 2021

Year Six code a game!

Year Six have enjoyed coding their Space Invader game using iLearn2 and Scratch! They build the background and their character, followed by directional instructions.


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Image of Year Six learn about population density!
6 October 2021

Year Six learn about population density!

Year Six have been learning about population density, and the factors behind locations increasing or decreasing in population over time.


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