Image of Year Six PE
20 March 2022

Year Six PE

Year Six are showing off all the skills they've learnt over the past few weeks in gymnastics. First step? Stretching those muscles!

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Image of Year Six English
15 March 2022

Year Six English

Year Six started their latest writing topic by identifying features of a newspaper report. Finding the shape of the text - we discussed the layout and order of a newspaper and which features a reporter would use to 'hook' in their reader.

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Image of Year Six Evolution
9 March 2022

Year Six Evolution

Year Six #evolved as we learnt about evolution of mockingbirds and finches. We tested different tools as bird bills and investigated their effectiveness at gathering food.


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Image of Year Six P.E
4 March 2022

Year Six P.E

Year Six rounded off a great week of school with a gymnastics session and developing their balancing skills.


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Image of Year Six World Book Day
3 March 2022

Year Six World Book Day

Wow! What a day Year Six have had! We've had the Knave of Hearts on trial, role-played a courtroom drama, wrote dialogue and then got creative with some collage 'playing card' artwork.

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Image of Year Six Arts & Culture Day
21 February 2022

Year Six Arts & Culture Day

Year Six had a lovely first day back to school with Arts & Culture Day! We created a self-identity piece - inspired by Frida Karhlo. We used pastels and collage work to create our backdrops, before collaging our portrait photographs over the top. We then collaged floral designs over our…

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Image of Year Six Safer Internet Day
8 February 2022

Year Six Safer Internet Day

Year Six were able to talk about gaming, communicating through games platforms and share their advice in a number of online safety scenarios. 


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Image of Year Six Adaptation
3 February 2022

Year Six Adaptation

Year Six had a great time investigating how moths may have adapted for survival. We split into 2 teams and hid our own moths in plain sight, for the other team to capture. We then discussed the features which led to certain moths avoiding detection.


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Image of Year Six Bikeability
3 February 2022

Year Six Bikeability

Year Six had a fantastic time doing Bikeability, and made Delph Side proud with their attitude and effort over 3 days - many of which in the cold mornings!

Well done everyone who took part!

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Image of Year Six meet Lancashire Fire & Rescue
21 January 2022

Year Six meet Lancashire Fire & Rescue

Year Six enjoyed meeting Lancs Fire & Rescue to discuss all things road safety - which links in brilliantly as we are due to take part in Bikeability very soon!

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Image of Year Six adaptation lesson
21 January 2022

Year Six adaptation lesson

Year Six have been studying adaptation in science, and have tested how animals have adapted to survive in harsh environments. This time, polar bears - using iced water and lard. We tested how effective lard is as an insulator 

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Image of Year Six Computing
13 January 2022

Year Six Computing

Year Six had a blast in computing - editing photographs in Pixlr - using a range of tools such as hue, saturation, dehazing, contrast and temperature to alter photographs and achieve new effects.


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