Year Five study Anglo-Saxon settlements
Year Five enjoyed studying typical Anglo-Saxon settlements, and learning about their strategic layout. We even learnt that Anglo-Saxons constructed their houses to face south – Why do you think they did this? #enjoy #history #britishhistory #wemakethedifference
Year Five Anglo-Saxons!
Year Five had a great time learning about where Anglo-Saxons settled in Britain. We then discussed why these locations were chosen, and the etymology of our place names,
What does 'ton' mean in Alton, Tonbridge and Brighton?
What does 'ford' mean in Oxford and Chelmsford?
What does…
Y5 Investigating solutes
Year Five had a great time investigating solutes and whether solids are soluble or insoluble. We also investigated the saturation point of solutions by continually adding more solutes until it was clearly visible.
Y5 Hockey
Y5 showed some really skilful practice in their hockey session with Mr Edwards! Passing, dribbling and controlling the ball to a stop were all on display!
Y5 French with Miss Fitz and Miss Jones
Y5 have enjoyed their French lesson with Miss Fitz and Miss Jones - with thinking caps on and thinking faces pulled!
Y5-History Artefacts
Year Five loved their history lesson - investigating historical artefacts such as a Viking helmet, jewellery, coins and farming tools.
Y5 PE with Mr Edwards
Y5 really enjoyed their gymnastics session with Mr Edwards!
Year Six STEM Challenge 3
Our 3rd STEM challenge involved building the tallest tower we could, using only marshmallows and cocktail sticks.
We placed ourselves into teams and discussed our strategies – some teams doubling up on cocktail sticks for stability, while others doubled up on marshmallows for weight and…
Year Six STEM Challenge 2
Our 2nd STEM challenge involved building a bridge to support a weight.
We discussed different types of structures and ways we could reinforce and strengthen our designs before we even attempted them.
We used our prior knowledge from our bridge’s topic, earlier in the year, to use…
Year Six STEM week - challenge 1
We started STEM week by discussing how towns are designed, and how Skelmersdale was designed as a new town.
We discussed which features we’d expect to find in a town, and which amenities and transport links should be in place. We then designed our first draft of a town plan.
Y6 STEM WEEK - Town planning
Year Six kicked off their STEM week learning by learning how engineers and mathematicians help to plan the towns we live in!
We discussed how to provide ample space, amenities and recreation opportunities for a town like Skelmersdale, and took inspiration from our own town's…
Year Six Sports Day
Year Six had an absolute blast during their sports day. Relays, obstacles, egg and spoons - they had a great time!