Image of Pre School- following our interests
29 April 2022

Pre School- following our interests

What a day we have had at Pre School. Aswell as learning all about Superworm and expressing our own super powers, we have made ice creams, acted out the 'The three little pigs', went for a sail in our boat to various places, became traffic lights and wrote our name using paint brushes just to name…

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Image of Pre School- Superworm
27 April 2022

Pre School- Superworm

Pre School have been reading the book Superworm. We decided to get creative and use the playdough to make some of the creatures from the story. We had worms, lizzards, snails, slug, spiders and lots more. We then measured some worms, we compared each worm using the language or short/long and…

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Image of Pre School- Fun in our new outdoor area
22 April 2022

Pre School- Fun in our new outdoor area

Pre School have loved exploring our new outdoor area, just look at those happy faces! We have been learning about Spring and explored the outdoors to look for signs of spring. They have also enjoyed acting out the story of 'The Enormous Turnip'. #enjoy #embrace #evolve


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Image of Pre-School- Arts and Culture Day
20 April 2022

Pre-School- Arts and Culture Day

Wow what a great start to the summer term! Today Pre School #enjoyed creating textured art. They chose different materials such as porridge oats, salt, sand, flour and soil then mixed it with PVA glue to create their textured art work. When they had dried, we discussed what they could feel on…

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Image of Pre School- Easter fun!
31 March 2022

Pre School- Easter fun!

Pre School have enjoyed their last week having lots of Easter fun! The children retold the story of 'We're going on an egg hunt', investigated within the Easter sensory tray, completed egg repeated patterns, made some some chocolate playdough easter eggs and most importantly made some yummy…

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Image of Pre School- Easter Bunny hunt
28 March 2022

Pre School- Easter Bunny hunt

Pre School had a very special visitor over the weekend. We received a letter from the Easter Bunny saying that he had left us a very special present, but we had to solve the mystery before we got our suprise.  We found a picture of the Easter Bunny standing in our sandpit. The children had to use…

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Image of Pre School- The Very Hungry Caterpillar
22 March 2022

Pre School- The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Pre School have been reading the story 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar'. Last week we learnt a new word 'symmetrical' and the children are loving using this word when creating their own unique butterflies. The children were challenged to find their friend with the matching symmetrical wing, they did…

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Image of Pre School- Being Creative
18 March 2022

Pre School- Being Creative

Pre School have been getting creative this week. We have been painting representations of fruit and creating symmetrical butterflies. Mrs Brady was so impressed, the children have been using all the skills taught this week independently whilst playing in each area. The children also found a book…

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Image of Pre School- Healthy foods vs Unhealthy foods & repeating patterns
15 March 2022

Pre School- Healthy foods vs Unhealthy foods & repeating patterns

Pre School have been reading the story of 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar'. We looked at the food in which the caterpillar ate and decided to help him sort the food into healthy and unhealthy. It sparked a great discussion, as some children thought that some of the foods were ok to have all of the…

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Image of Pre School- What comes from an egg?
11 March 2022

Pre School- What comes from an egg?

Pre School have been learning all about animals which hatch from eggs. We read some wonderful stories such as 'Brendas boring egg', 'Whats growing inside the egg?' and 'Daisy and the egg'. We had to sort the animals in to hatch from an egg and don't hatch from an egg. We then followed instructions…

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Image of Pre School- World Book Day
3 March 2022

Pre School- World Book Day

Pre School have had a wonderful day celebrating world book day. We read the story of Alice in Wonderland and created our own drinking potion and and Mad Hatters tea pot. We then drank our potion in our very own 'drink me' potion cup at our mad hatters tea party. What a wonderful day we have had!…

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