Pre School- Fine Motor & Gross Motor fun!
Pre School have been developing their gross and fine motor skills by playing lots of fun games! Their favourite was making paper aeroplanes and throwing them through the hoops! #enjoy
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Pre School- Rhyming and 2D shape fun!
The children in Pre School have been playing lots of rhyming games, they enjoyed playing rhyming pairs. They are starting to become familiar with words that rhyme! They have also been exploring 2D shapes, they had to close their eyes and feel for a shape in the water, they had to describe the…
Pre School- Roleplay and PE
Pre School have #embraced our new roleplay areas. They have shown a keen interest in doing hair and and washing cars so we decided to create a spa and a carwash. The children have played along side each other well, talking about their experiences of each area. The children also enjoyed our PE…
Pre School- STEM- mixing colours
Pre School thoroughly loved our STEM challenge this week! The children had to use the primary colours to make secondary colours. They said it was like magic as they watched the liquid 'walk' up and down the paper. The children sat and observed the colours mixing, as they did, they predicted the…
Pre School- Giraffes Can't Dance
Pre School have enjoyed the story 'Giraffes Can't Dance', they were very shocked when Gerald the giraffe turned up at Pre School. The children experimented with different construction items to see how tall the giraffe was. They spoke about the importance of being safe whilst using the different…
Pre School- Where in the world? & capacity and size
This week the children have enjoyed reading Dear Zoo. We looked at maps of the world and used the internet to find out where the animals originated. The children did an excellent job of remembering not only where they live, but where each animal from the story originated from. They placed each of …
Pre School- Aspirations day!
Wow what an amazing couple of days Pre School have had celebrating aspirations week! We got to meet Skem fire and rescue, HM prison officers and their amazing dogs and a real paramedic. The children got to hear the sirens on the fire engine and was so excited to see the police dogs find something…
Pre School- Designing our own Zoo
Pre School have been reading the story of 'Dear Zoo'. We looked at animals who live at the zoo and decided to design our own zoo, we spoke about the features and colours of each animal. We have also been practising the makaton signs for each animal and the children have really impressed…
Pre School- Walking through the jungle!
Pre School have #enjoyed learning all about animals through reading the story 'Walking Through The Jungle'.
The children continued the story by creating their own page to add to the book, they described how they were moving through the jungle, then drew the animal in which they spotted. The…
Pre School- Applying the skills we have been taught
Pre School have been busy in the different areas within the classroom. We have been very impressed observing the children using the skills that have been taught and applying them independently whilst playing. We have also enjoyed playing in our new dentist roleplay area and talking about how we…
Pre School- Jubilee
Pre School have had a very busy day celebrating the Queens Jubilee. We have had so much fun making our own crowns, flags and biscuits. We watched some of the Queen's coronation and the children were introduced to some of the royal family. We had a very special party lunch, had a dance and finished…
Pre School- Investigation forces
Pre School have been learning all about the forces, push and pull. We looked at different scenarios using doors, swings and climbing frames and discussed what force was being used in each scenario. We then investigated how the water pushes up, when we try to push a ball under the water. They said…