Year 3 - Creating storyboards in Computing
Year 3 are enjoying their Computing lessons and are learning to create their own storyboard using Storyboard That.
Year 3 - What a busy week!
It has been such a busy week in Year 3 with so much learning across the curriculum.
History - learning about Skara Brae
Science - learning about how rocks are formed ( with an experiment using chocolate to help us!)
Computing - Make storyboards
English - writing out own story based on…
Anti-Bullying week in Year 3
Year 3 enjoyed a live lesson from the BBC to help them understand more about what bullying is, what an ally is and how to deal with tricky feelings and ways to be kinder. They enjoyed different activities during the session including writing on an outline of a hand who they could turn to if they…
Military style PE in Year 3
Year 3 enjoyed a military style PE lesson as part of World War 2 week. The children worked on some stamina activities, practised their press ups and pull ups and their marching. The lesson finished with a game to work on their army crawling!
Year 3 - Forest School - Rationing
Year 3 enjoyed a Forest School session today to learn all about rationing during World War 2. They then enjoying tasting a scone which would have been made with items that were rationed.
Year 3 - WW2 Visitor
Well what a way to start our World War 2 week by learning all about the roles of a Medical officer and learnt about the equipment that a soldier would have had to carry. We then tried on some uniform and explored different equipment.
We also got to explore 2 World War 2 ambulances ( one…
Year 3 - Stone Age Houses
Year 3 are loving learning about the Stone Age and today they were fascinated to view 3D models of a Palaeolithic and Mesolithic camp. It really helped to understand what homes were like in these periods.
Year 3 Computing - Comic Creation
Year 3 really enjoyed learning how to create a comic strip, using the Make Belief Comix website. They learnt how to add backgrounds, characters and how to add speech bubbles.
Year 3 Bronze Age to Iron Age at Herd Farm
During their afternoon visit to Herd Farm, Year 3 learn about the Bronze Age and the Iron Age.
A highlight of our visit was certainly finding out about how roundhouses were built and getting to visit 2 different roundhouses designs. We couldn't believe that some were big enough…
Year 3 Stone Age at Herd Farm
An action-packed day as Year 3 found out about life in the Stone Age.
A human timeline
The day started by creating human timeline to help us realise just how long ago the Stone Age was and that Pre-History makes up most of our History. We learnt about hunter gatherers and had a look at what…
Exploring magnets in Year 3
Hands on science in Year 3 as the children began their magnet investigations. They had to predict whether the poles of a magnet would attract or repel. Such fascination as they tested their results!
Year 3 - Invasion games in PE
Year are loving their outdoor PE lessons with Mr Edwards. They have been working on their throwing and catching skills and learning different types of throws. Piggy in the Middle was great fun to practice these skills.