Image of Reading and Writing in Year 3
21 September 2022

Reading and Writing in Year 3

Year 3 are working so hard in English and have been planning their own version of The True Story of the Three Little Pigs. Reading is also a hit when the children can explore our different libraries in class.


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Image of Year 3 - Friction, Friction, Friction
16 September 2022

Year 3 - Friction, Friction, Friction

The faces show how much fun Year 3 had in their science lesson as they learnt about friction. They found out that friction is produced when 2 surfaces rub together. Our Warm hands activity was a huge hit and it did not take children long to realise that when they rub their hands together quicker,…

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Image of Year 3 - Investigating Stone Age artefacts
8 September 2022

Year 3 - Investigating Stone Age artefacts

An introduction to the Stone Age, in Year 3, as children explored different artefacts and photographs of artefacts. The children had to think about what they were made out of and what they were used for as they started to think as they became archaeologists to find out about Stone Age…

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Image of First day of Year 3
2 September 2022

First day of Year 3

What a great start to Year 3!! The children have settled in so well to their new classroom and enjoyed reconnecting with their friends. It was such a busy morning with learning all our new routines, PE, Maths and thinking about what we would like to be in the future. In the afternoon, we talked…

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Image of Keeping cool during the heatwave in Year 3
19 July 2022

Keeping cool during the heatwave in Year 3

Keeping cool was the aim today, during the heatwave. A double helping of ice pops certainly helped. Our own 'spa water trays' were also a huge hit but we don't think our whole class reading poem on water made a massive difference!! 


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Image of Word processing and Muscles in Year 3
14 July 2022

Word processing and Muscles in Year 3

Year 3 have had a busy afternoon of Computing and Science. In Computing, the children learnt how to use the word processing app, Pages, to copy and paste and change the text's appearance. In Science, the children learnt all about how their muscles work.


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Image of Stereotypes - Jigsaw Year 3
11 July 2022

Stereotypes - Jigsaw Year 3

Today, Year 3 have been discussing stereotypes when it comes to parenting and family roles. The lesson started off with a game of charades to guess the job. The children then discussed roles around the home and if these were for male, females or for either. They then had a go at designing a duvet…

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Image of Year 3 warming up for dance
8 July 2022

Year 3 warming up for dance

Year 3 are loving their dance lessons. Check out the warm up activities so they are ready to perform their dance.


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Image of Year 3 - Jigsaw and Maths
5 July 2022

Year 3 - Jigsaw and Maths

A busy Monday in Year 3 as the children continued their work in Jigsaw about Changing Me. Year 3 are listening really well in their lessons and asking lots of questions. This was followed by a revision lesson on telling the time.

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Image of Year 3 Imagine That - Art and Science workshops
30 June 2022

Year 3 Imagine That - Art and Science workshops

As well as getting a chance to explore, Year 3 children enjoyed a number of different workshops and got to back slime ( a huge hit!! ), never melting snow, bath bombs and magnets. They also enjoyed a Science workshop which was fascinating.


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Image of Year 3 STEM - Build the tallest tower
28 June 2022

Year 3 STEM - Build the tallest tower

Year 3 really enjoyed their latest STEM challenge to design a tall tower out of cocktail sticks and marshmallows. It led to some great discussion and teamwork as the children worked together to try to make the tallest tower. They kept finding out that their structures struggled to stay up on their…

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Image of Year 5 Battleships Spreadsheets
27 June 2022

Year 5 Battleships Spreadsheets

In Computing, Year 5 started to learn about spreadsheets and played a game of battleships to help them understand the different cells. 


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