Year 3 - Dissecting a flower
Year 3 are now learning about the role of the flower. They discussed pollination and fertilisation and dissected a lily to start to identify the different, male and female, parts of the plant.
Don't cut down the Amazon Rainforest say Year 3
Year 3 are really engrossed in their latest writing tasks. They are writing a persuasive letter to stop the trees being cut down in the Amazon rainforest. Lots of great emotive language and persuasion being used.
Year 3 working hard in Maths
Year 3 have been working so hard in Maths as they learn to master division. They have used practical resources to help them before moving onto written methods. Some pretty challenging questions so knowing our times tables can really help. The lolly sticks were really helpful for dividing with…
Year 3 - Leaf experiments in Science
Year 3 really enjoyed part 2 of their leaf experiments in Science. Having put plastic bags on leaves last week, today they tested to see what had come off the leaf using cobalt chloride. They were fascinated to see it turn from blue to pink which meant there was water in the plastic…
A busy Friday in Year 3
No letting up on a Friday in Year 3. What a busy day!! Independent writing, Division in Maths, Programming in Scratch Jr and planting in Science. Great work Year 3.
Year 3 Girls Football
A special treat today for the Year 3 girls as they got to enjoy a football taster session with Mr Patterson. They absolutely loved it.
Year 5 - Programming in Javascript
Year 5 loved their Computing lesson today on text based programming. They started to learn how to write commands in Javascript to make their own apps.
Year 3 World Book Day - Alice in Wonderland
Year 3 headed down the rabbit hole today just like Alice. They read chapter 1, designed their own Drink Me potions and then enjoyed making them. Luckily, no one shrunk! Throw in a Mad Hatter’s party lunch as well. What a day!
Year 4 - Scratch in Computing
Year 4 are loving learn how to code in Scratch. Today we started to make our own race track and to write a program so that we could click arrows to make the sprite move. Next week, we will add some more codes to make things happen.
Healthy vs Less Healthy - Year 3 Jigsaw
Year 3 continued their 'Healthy Me' work by looking at some items and deciding if they were a healthier or less healthy choice. They then looked at the food labels to see how much energy you get from different foods and how much salt, fat, sugar and saturates were in them. The key message is that…
Year 3 - Stretching in gymnastics
Year 3 love their Friday morning gymnastics. The children are working so hard on their stretches and being able to make different shapes with their bodies.
Year 3 - Self Identity - Arts and Culture Day
What a great day in Year 3! Year 3 have really #enjoyed and #embraced their work today as they have created a self portrait in the style of Vanessa Brantley Newton, using painting, collage and drawing. The children also wrote their own I am poem and then added this to their work, before recording…