Another week and another Silent Disco Attendance Award
Another week.....and another Silent Disco attendance award for Year 2. Their attendance has been great over the last month and they have fully deserved another silent disco......some new songs this time as well!!!
Mud! Mud! Mud! International Mud Day in Year 2!
Year 2 had a great time today as they celebrated International Mud Day. Mud pies, mud sanitiser, mud makeup and mud art were just some of the activities. They loved getting muddy!!
The Sun ☀️ was back today for playtime.
Year 2 loved that the sun ☀️ returned today so they could enjoy playtime together. The adventure playground is always a huge hit!
Now Press Play Science Lesson - Habitats
The smiles say it all in our Science lesson on Habitats. After discussing different Habitats, we went on an adventure to find a new habitat for the people of Planet Doom. We explored the ocean, rain forest, desert and Antarctica. We learnt how animal were suited to their habitats and also the…
Year 2 Silent Disco Fund Raiser
Year 2 had a blast at their Silent Disco today, as we raised money to support Asmall Primary School. Dancing, singing and enjoying time with friends. This was our Silent Disco number 3!!! We can't wait till our next one.
Super start to the week with our handwriting
Great concentration and effort to the start the week in handwriting. We are trying so hard to write our letters the correct size and taking care to join our letters correctly. As you can see, it takes a lot of concentration!
Year 2 - Mini First Aid
Year 2 thoroughly enjoyed their Mini First Aid session. So informative. We know about treating cuts, calling for an ambulance and how to put someone in the recovery position.
Year 2 - On a Microhabitats Hunt
Year 2 went on a microhabitat hunt around the school grounds. They had to find different microhabitats and investigate what minibeasts lived there. Lots of us were very brave to handle the different creatures that we found!! Although there were a few screams if any spiders were found!
Attendance Award Winners Again!!!!!
What another great time we had at our Silent Disco!!! We just love winning the attendance award. We wished we could have carried on all afternoon!! Can we make it 3 wins in a row?
Summer Playtime Fun
It certainly feels like the summer term now. It has been great to be back in school and enjoying playing together in the sun. Long may the sun continue!!
Year 2 - Silent Disco (100% attendance award)
What an afternoon as we celebrated our 100% attendance last week!!! We had a blast at out silent disco!! Dancing, singing and having fun with our friends. The smiles say it all!! We can't wait till we win it again!
Arithmetic, Arithmetic, Arithmetic
Year 2 are working so hard on their arithmetic skills. Today we were adding, subtracting and also working answers out with missing boxes. Not to forget some multiplying, dividing and fractions!