Reception - Arts and Culture day
Reception went straight into creative mode on their first day of the brand new summer term today.
They explored various textures as they made marks using resources such as cocoa powder, lentils, soil, porridge oats and instant coffee. They mixed them with PVA glue and coloured powder paint…
Reception - Just Look At Us Now!
As we're coming to the end of this term, I just had to show you our wonderful Reception class, every single one of them. Just them.
They have worked their socks off and made so much progress since all that time ago back in September. I am so very, very proud and I can't wait to see what the…
Reception - Stranger Danger
Reception's Jigsaw PHSE lesson has been talking about stranger danger so who better to tell them all about it than our very own local PCSOs and they were very good indeed!
They discussed what strangers look like, what they should do if they get lost, how they can get help and who to go to for…
Here comes the sun!
It's been a long time coming but the gorgeous sunshine definitely had its hat on!
Reception were so excited when they didn't have to put their coats on!
#Enjoy #Embrace #Evolve
Reception - Healthy Me!
"NOOOOOOO! DON'T EAT THAT, IT'S DIRTY!" Well, it's a good job Reception we're being so observant today. Mrs Maloney almost ate her snack which was covered in mud! She hadn't washed her fruit or her hands!
Reception discussed reasons for washing their hands before eating, even if they couldn't…
Reception - Jigsaw - Sweet Dreams
Reception passed round Jigsaw Jenie and shared what they do at home before they go to sleep (bedtime routines). They discussed what time do they go to bed. I'm happy to say that most of Reception get lots of sleep and go to bed nice and early. They talked about their nighttime routines and if…
Reception - Signs of Spring
Reception have been very busy exploring their natural environment around them. They have been talking about what they could see, hear and feel and drawing what they could see. They discussed changes in the environment; how there were small signs of new life growing and how they were excited to…
Reception No-cook-Cookery Club
Reception are becoming super chefs! Strawberry cheesecake was on the menu this week. Their presentation was beautiful and they tasted delicious!
gallery:Reception No-cook-Cookery Club }
Reception Outdoor Learning
Reception have been searching for signs of spring. They were excited to find tiny worms when they moved rocks but were very careful and aware that they should not remove them from their habitat. So, Reception made their own worm habitat with the help of some long spaghetti and soil.
Reception's World Book Day
Reception joined in with our who school Alice in Wonderland themed World Book Day. Reception's focus chapter was 'Who Stole the Tarts?'
They enjoyed sequencing the main parts of the story and writing about their favourite part. They made some magic potions with some colour mixing and put some…
Pancake Day in Reception
What a perfect spring day for celebrating Shrove Tuesday. There were pancakes everywhere!
Reception enjoyed the most scrumdiddlyumptious pancakes for dessert after lunch, they had even more pancakes for their afternoon snack, but don't worry, they worked them off with a good old…
Reception's Mr Wolf's Pancake Mix
After reading Mr Wolf's Pancakes, Reception used Mr Wolf's recipe for the perfect pancake mixture. They measured the flour, carefully poured the milk and whisked it all together.