Senses Session 1
This week we have had our first sensory senses and tasting session. We explored the smells, texture and taste of lemons, onion ring crisps and Turkish delight. We also enjoyed smelling pineapple and apple scents on cotton wool.
This week we explored onions, grapefruit and steak…
Good to be back! Happy 2023
It’s been great to be back in The Hangout this week! We have loved talking about and looking at what everyone got for Christmas. We also did some mark making to go with our photos. Great work!
Christmas Fayre 2022 - The Hangout
Children in The Hangout have been busy little elves making items to sell at our Christmas Fayre. We have snowman poop, reindeer poop and magic elf beans. We also have some yummy rice Krispie Christmas pudding and lovely key rings for sale. We can’t wait to see you all.
The Hangout Christmas Performances 2022
This week, children in The Hangout have taken part in Christmas performances including singing at the concourse and Aaron Crest care home, as well as acting on the KS1 Christmas play. We are so proud of you.
DT: Creating a switch - The Hangout
Children in The Hangout have enjoyed visiting The Studio over the past couple of weeks for their DT lessons. This week, they loved making a switch and testing it in a circuit. They were really excited when the bulb lit up.
Whatever Next - The Hangout - Baby Bear Visit
This week in The Hangout, we have been reading Whatever Next by Jill Murphy. We enjoyed a visit from Baby Bear, we were very excited and got to ask him questions about his adventure to the moon.
Pumpkin Soup - The Hangout
This week we have made pumpkin soup! Lots of sensory sensations during this activity from pulling out the pulp and seeds, smelling the pumpkin and onion to the smell from the cooking. We enjoyed chopping the pumpkin and onions and of course the wait to tasting it! Chefs in the making, great…
Bread Making
This week, children in The Hangout have been to the shop with their own shopping lists to buy ingredients to make bread. We carefully read the recipe and baked our very own bread rolls. They were delicious!
Little Red Hen - The Hangout
This week, we have been reading the story The Little Red Hen. We have been writing speech and thought bubbles for the characters, acting out the story with stick puppets and finding out about bread and the journey to making bread.
Y4 Computing - Animation
What a brilliant afternoon in Y4! During Computing, we have been learning how to create an animation using Keynote. Today involved creating a stop-motion video by duplicating slides with a background and shapes, this was a place flying across the sky. Great work!
Science in Y4 with The Hangout
Children in The Hangout have been enjoying science lessons in Year 4. They’ve loved learning about different vertebrates, invertebrates and classifying animals.
The Hangout - Forest School Sept 22
Each week children in The Hangout benefit from a forest school session. They just love being outdoors and taking part in fun activities.