Image of How Does Light Travel? - Year 6 Science
19 May 2023

How Does Light Travel? - Year 6 Science

Year 6 started a new unit in this Science this week: Light!


They’ve been learning all about how light travels and the difference between things that are luminous and non-luminous!


#enjoy #embrace


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Image of Jurassic World in Year 6!
28 April 2023

Jurassic World in Year 6!

Year 6 have been learning how to play the Jurassic World theme on their ukuleles this week in music! They’ve picked it up so fast - so many amazing musicians the making! #enjoy #embrace #evolve

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Image of Compass Bloom Workshop - Year 6
21 April 2023

Compass Bloom Workshop - Year 6

Year 6 took part in a workshop this week that focussed on how they can deal with stress, which we all have to deal with from time to time! They’ve now got some great strategies to help them with the big changes that will soon be happening! #evolve

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Image of Editing Writing in Year 6!
29 March 2023

Editing Writing in Year 6!

Year 6 finished their final piece of independent writing this morning to wrap up the term! They spent time working with their table, making tweaks and changes to make sure their writing was the best it could be! #embrace

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Image of Maths in Year 6 - Volume!
17 March 2023

Maths in Year 6 - Volume!

Year 6 have smashed it this week in maths! They’ve been learning how to find the area of triangles and parallelograms, but today, it was all about volume! #embrace #evolve

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Image of Gangs in Jigsaw - Year 6
13 March 2023

Gangs in Jigsaw - Year 6

Year 6 spent this morning exploring everything related to gangs in PSHE! They shared their thoughts and opinions and explored the potential dangers that can arise from being part of a gang.


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Image of World Book Day in Year 6!
2 March 2023

World Book Day in Year 6!

Year 6 have loved World Book Day! They really enjoyed recommending books to each other this afternoon and figuring out which genres they enjoy! #enjoy #WorldBookDay2023

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Image of Ukuleles in Year 6!
28 February 2023

Ukuleles in Year 6!

Year 6 have been loving learning the ukulele this term! Being able to take their ukuleles home to practice has really paid off! #enjoy

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Image of Latitudinal and Longitudinal Coordinates in Year 6!
22 February 2023

Latitudinal and Longitudinal Coordinates in Year 6!

Year 6 used their knowledge of latitudinal and longitudinal lines this afternoon to locate countries around the world using coordinates! It was quite tricky, but they picked it up fast! #enjoy #embrace

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Image of Internet Safety Day in Year 6!
8 February 2023

Internet Safety Day in Year 6!

As part of yesterday’s Safer Internet Day session, Year 6 looked at different scenarios that included various internet safety concerns. From this, they looked at how they could support each other to stay safe online! #embrace

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Image of Fundraising Events in Year 6!
30 January 2023

Fundraising Events in Year 6!

Year 6 started planning their own fundraising events in today’s PSHE lesson that focussed on raising money for a charities that support people in need around the world! #enjoy #embrace

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Image of Delph Side Members of Parliament in Year 6!
25 January 2023

Delph Side Members of Parliament in Year 6!

Year 6 chose their class DMPs (Delph Side Member of Parliament) this afternoon!  After the manifesto presentations, votes were cast and the two successful candidates were voted in to represent Year 6!

#enjoy #evolve

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