Year 3 - Freeze Frame!
Today, Year 3 #enjoyed re-enacting the moment a character would fall into a rough, choppy sea. We looked at the characters thoughts and feeling during this time too. #strikeapose
Ancient Greece Day - Year 3
Year 3 had a thoroughly enjoyable day as they enjoyed a Greek workshop day from Delve into History.
The children spent the morning learning about life in Ancient Greece and the difference between life in Athens and Sparta.
In the afternoon, it was a chance to explore different Greek…
Year 3 Jubilee Day
Year 3 have had a blast celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee. A morning of art work was followed by an outdoor picnic lunch and party. In the afternoon, the children watched the Coronation from 1953 and learnt about the Queen. A visit from the ice cream was a great treat at the end of the…
Year 3 - 3D Design in Computing
Year 3 are enjoying 3D design in Computing. Today they used 3D Slash to make a table, chair and other objects. Impressive work!
Getting ready for our latest independent writing in Year 3
Year 3 have been hard at work planning their latest independent writing. The children are writing instructions on how to keep healthy.
Year 3 - Keeping Healthy English Experience Day
Year 3 enjoyed an English Experience Day to explore the best ways to keep healthy. A great discussion took place after they sorted the healthy / unhealthy cards in groups. Lots of ideas to write our instructions on how to keep healthy, next week.
A busy afternoon in Year 3 - Science and Reading
A busy afternoon in Year 3 as children enjoyed a group activity in Whole Class Reading to map out the story and then started to learn about the importance of a healthy diet by exploring the different food groups on the Eatwell Plate.
Enjoying our libraries in Year 3
Year 3 loved exploring their new class libraries this morning as they came into school. It was so hard to choose what to read as there was so much choice!!
Year 3 Jigsaw - Keeping ourselves safe online
The focus of our Jigsaw lesson this week was keeping ourselves safe online. We looked at an advert for an app and had to discuss what appeals about downloading this app and what the risks may be. We learnt that we need to use our common sense to decide which things we trust online and which things…
Year 3 - Patterns and Shapes
This week, Year 3 have been using different materials to create the patterns and shapes they observed in Greek Pottery. We used cardboard, black card and art straws to create and patterns and shapes, gathering an understand of what we can create with them.
Year 3 - Yoga and Mindfulness
Year 3 really enjoyed their yoga and mindfulness session today. It was great fun learning some different methods and thinking of what we can do to help ourselves relax. Some of us were nearly asleep after 5 minutes of relaxation!!
Year 3 - Exploring Geometric Shapes
This week, Year 3 have been exploring the geometric shapes found in Ancient Greek vases. We looked at the different types of line used to show the shapes and patterns. Following this, we had a go at creating our own patterns and shapes using fine liners, pencil and graphite.