Shadows investigations in Year 3
Year 3 ended the half term with a shadows investigation. They investigates what happens to shadows if you move the light source further away and if you change the height and angle of the light source. Fascinated faces.
Such a busy last week in Year 3
It has been such a busy week in Year 3! We have had Safer Internet Day, French Day and worked so hard in class.
We are loving our light investigations in Science - this time it was looking at shadows.
We finished our garden designs in Jigsaw and also learnt how to use dictionaries, in Whole…
Year 3 Safer Internet Day 2022
Year 3 enjoyed Safer Internet Day 2022 with activities to support them in keeping safe on the Internet. Lots of great discussion and finding out what they play and do online. Children also completed an online safety survey.
Les instruments - French Day in Year 3
Year 3 really enjoyed their third French Day. Today, the challenge was to learn up to 10 instruments in French. The children enjoyed games, activities, songs to help them learn how to read, write and speak French.
Reflection and Shadows in Year 3
Year 3 are really enjoying their science work and have been investigating reflection and shadows. They were amazed to find out they could see more of the object, when the mirrors were closer together. The children to explore how shadows were made and which type of objects made the best…
Year 3 - Making our sculptures
Year 3 have #embraced the making stage of our sculptures this week. We can’t wait for them to dry so we can add more detail.
Year 3 Garden Designers #Jigsaw
Year 3 are loving their Monday mornings where they are working together towards a shared dream and goal. They have chosen who to design a garden for and working hard in their teams to design, budget and present their garden design.
Whole class reading in Year 3
Year 3 are working hard to improve their reading fluency and comprehension. During whole class reading, we have been reading the story of 'Vlad and the Space Race'. Lots of great discussions about why events happened and we could express our opinions.
Year 3 - Food, Food, Food!
Year 3 have #embraced our drawing lesson this week, using bold, bright colours to represent food items. We have #enjoyed drawing some of our favourite foods, ready to start our sculptures next week.
Exploring light in Year 3
Awe and wonder this afternoon in Year 3, as the children enjoying light to work out the best material to make sunglasses out of. Following our class experiment, the children used the light meters to compare how much light objects let through.
Year 3 - Drawing Food!
Year 3 have #enjoyed drawing lots of different foods this afternoon. We #embraced drawing with fine liners and graphite sticks. Some super drawings, and we can’t wait for our next lesson!
Year 3 Fire Safety
Year 3 enjoyed a fire safety talk this after from Skelmersdale fire service. We learnt about what to do in the event of a fire at home - Get out, Stay out, Call 999. We learnt we needed to know our address and call 999. We also learnt what to do if our clothes caught fire - Stop, Drop and Roll.