Y4 Computing - Animation
What a brilliant afternoon in Y4! During Computing, we have been learning how to create an animation using Keynote. Today involved creating a stop-motion video by duplicating slides with a background and shapes, this was a place flying across the sky. Great work!
The Digestive System
As part of our new writing topic, Year 4 have been learning all about the digestive system. We talked about the different parts of the body used for digesting food and labelled them.
Art - Year 4 - Collage
Year 4 #embraced their collage skills, starting to layer and discuss their compositions. We discussed the different types of texture and how it adds to the details.
Gymnastics in Year 4
Year 4 have been learning all about different types of balances in PE. They create their own movement routines in groups including various balances!
We love reading!
Year 4 have embrace their new reading area in class. All children have picked out a book from the class library to read during independent reading time!
Keeping cool during the heatwave in Year 3
Keeping cool was the aim today, during the heatwave. A double helping of ice pops certainly helped. Our own 'spa water trays' were also a huge hit but we don't think our whole class reading poem on water made a massive difference!!
Word processing and Muscles in Year 3
Year 3 have had a busy afternoon of Computing and Science. In Computing, the children learnt how to use the word processing app, Pages, to copy and paste and change the text's appearance. In Science, the children learnt all about how their muscles work.
Stereotypes - Jigsaw Year 3
Today, Year 3 have been discussing stereotypes when it comes to parenting and family roles. The lesson started off with a game of charades to guess the job. The children then discussed roles around the home and if these were for male, females or for either. They then had a go at designing a duvet…
Year 3 warming up for dance
Year 3 are loving their dance lessons. Check out the warm up activities so they are ready to perform their dance.
Year 3 - Jigsaw and Maths
A busy Monday in Year 3 as the children continued their work in Jigsaw about Changing Me. Year 3 are listening really well in their lessons and asking lots of questions. This was followed by a revision lesson on telling the time.
Year 3 Imagine That - Art and Science workshops
As well as getting a chance to explore, Year 3 children enjoyed a number of different workshops and got to back slime ( a huge hit!! ), never melting snow, bath bombs and magnets. They also enjoyed a Science workshop which was fascinating.