Team Games!
Year 4 have been practising team games in PE over the past few weeks. Using the parachutes to try and transport one ball to the other has been a firm favourite!
Online Safety - Year 4
In this weeks online safety lesson, Year 4 learnt about what happens when we put things about ourselves online. We learnt that once we post something, it’s very difficult to erase it, even if we delete it. We should be careful about the things we post online as it can damage our reputation! We…
Year 4 Maths!
This week in maths, we have been learning how to subtract fractions from whole numbers. We’ve been learning various different ways at working these out, such as using White Rose digital tools or drawing out bar models to help us solve each question
World Book Day!
Year 4 have had a fantastic World Book Day! We’ve read our own books, watched a live lesson and chosen books for each other based on genre. We did it all in our pyjamas too!
Year 4 - DT - Turning 2D nets into 3D shell structures
This week, our Year 4’s #embraced their designing skills, learning how we can turn 2D nets into 3D shell structures. This gave us ideas of the products we could make out of a shell structure.
Nature Bunting!
Year 4 #enjoyed their first Forest School session this afternoon. In a bid to make our area more inviting, we created nature bunting which we will hang for everyone to see!
#embrace #evolve #Wemakethedifference
Year 4 - Art - Fabric Printing
Year 4 expanded on their printing skills this week. We printed onto our fabric pieces and began to paint the new sections, exploring areas of tone to show movement in our fabric painting.
Safer Internet Day
Year 4 have been enjoying today’s #SaferInternetDay activities in class. We watched the BBC live lesson and ranked what we are most worried about when online. We discussed what we can do if we feel unsafe online.
Mr Potato Head Jigsaw challenge in Year 4
A great ending to our Dreams & Goals unit. Children were set a challenge to design a the funniest potato person competition. The children had to work closely as team to achieve their goals. Impressive work Year 4!
Year 4 have spent the past few weeks practising and preparing a speech all about the impact of plastic pollution in our oceans. Today, some children decided that they would like to practise their speech by performing it to the class. We’ve got some fantastic future public speakers on our hands!…
Year 4 - Art - Mono-Printing
Year 4 have #enjoyed learning the skill of mono-printing, using the theme of water, fire or earth. We loved the effects the print created, and expressing our creativity in a different way!
Year 4 - Art - Achieving Tonal Shades
Year 4 have been developing their tonal drawing skills over the past few weeks, understanding that by adding pressure we can achieve a different value of colour.