Spelling Fun!
Year 4 have been working this hard learning our new spelling pattern ‘auto’. We love playing the game ‘four in a row’ which tests each other on our spelling!
Wimbledon Dance!
This half term, Year 4 have been #enjoying some Wimbledon themed dance lessons! They have been creating movements for all parts of the game including serving, hitting and even resting!
Year 4 - Division Fun!
Year 4 have #embraced using the place value counters for division this morning. Maths We partitioned the digits and even exchanged!
Year 4 - Coding using Scratch
A great start to coding, in Year 4, as the children were introduced to Scratch. Having previously used Scratch Jr, there was a seamless transition to coding using Scratch. The children enjoyed making their chosen characters speak and pass the ball.
Year 4’s love for reading!
Year 4 have loved being back in the swing of things this week! We have #enjoyed selecting a new book from our class library to enjoy over the next few weeks.
Christmas Crafts!
Year 4 have been enjoying some Christmas crafts today in class ready for tomorrows Christmas Fayre. They’ve loved decorating tea light holders and making Rice Krispie cakes!
Year 4 computing
Year 4 have enjoyed some online research in this weeks computing lesson. We searched for famous birthdays and key events on our own birthdays and made notes. We found out some interesting information!
Year 4 - DT - Making Torches
Year 4 have #embraced their making skills by using their designs to make their torch prototypes. We attached our switches, ensuring that the circuit will complete and also added handles and other design features. They can't wait to house their circuits next week to test their designs!
Times tables fun!
Year 4 have #enjoyed learning their 6 times tables in today’s session. We’ve been chanting, writing them down and testing ourselves on hit the button. Who said times tables were boring?!
Year 4 - DT - Designing Torches
Year 4 #enjoyed using their scientific learning to support their new DT topic. We started to design our own torches, planning where the circuit will fit and incorporating all the features of a torch.
Simple circuits!
Year 4 LOVED today’s science lesson. They had a go at creating a simple circuit using a battery, wires and a bulb without any guidance. Some children managed to figure it out! We then talked through how adding a battery brightens the bulb and adding an extra bulb makes them both dimmer, as it has…
Anti-bullying week
Year 4 have been learning about anti-bullying this week. We participated in the BBC live lesson, where we discussed what bullying is and what we should do if we feel that we are being bullied or others are. We created our own unique handprints to represent us ‘reaching…