Spanish and Music in Year 3
Year 3 are loving their Thursday afternoons of Spanish and Music. They learnt to say ‘My name is’ in Spanish and play glockenspiels along to ‘He’s got the whole world in his hands’
Year 3 - DT - Exploring Mechanisms
This week, Year 3 have been exploring different types of mechanisms. We reflected on some we learned in Year 1 and then #evolved our learning, looking at different ways to make things move.
A great start to the Summer Term in Year 3
Year 3 have worked so hard this week across the curriculum.
It was a great start to our new Computing topic, as Year 3 enjoyed learnt to create their own compositions on the iPads. They learnt to use chords, melodies, add a rhythm and choose their own instruments.
The week ended with a…
Say No to Plastic Pollution
Year 3 having started their latest independent write following an experience day learning about plastic pollution. They certainly feel passionate about this cause and are writing to the Prime Minister to ask for his help in stopping this.
Year 3 trip to Liverpool 2023
What a super day out in Liverpool! Year 3 enjoyed finding their way to Liverpool by bus and train. It was so quick with on the new 319 train link.
Then, it was time for an open top city tour and spotting the landmarks we had heard of in our Geography lessons
Finally, we enjoyed…
Rainforest Experience Day - The Great Kapok Tree
What a great experience day today in English as we learnt all about the Amazon Rainforest! We watched videos and looked at websites to find out about the animals that live there and where the Amazon Rainforest is. We showed off our knowledge by drawing the animals we could remember. We then read…
Loving our Friday fitness lessons
Year 3 are loving their Friday Fitness lessons with Mr Edwards. There is a buzz of excitement as the children work around the carousel of activities. Our skills and stamina are certainly improving.
Root Model Investigation in Science
A great start to our Science work on plants as Year 3 learnt about roots. Our root model experiment helped us to see that the water and nutrients were absorbed by the roots and taken up to the plant. The children recorded their learning on Seesaw.
Year 3 Fractions and Independent Writing
Year 3 have absolutely smashed it today and worked their socks off!
Fractions in Maths where they have been comparing non unit fractions. They couldn't wait to get started with their independent writing of The Wolves in the Walls.
Y3 Jigsaw - Keeping Healthy
Year 3 continued their work on Keeping Healthy by discussing which foods were more healthy and less healthy. We then looked at the information we can find on food labels so we know how much energy we can get from food and also how much sugar and salt are in different items.
Dividing with remainders in Year 3
Hands on Maths today as looked at dividing with remainders. Children had to see how many triangles and squares they could build with different numbers of lolly sticks and work out the matching division calculation.