Year 1 Exploring Maps and Globes!
This week the children #embraced learning about the key features on a map/globe and explored hot and cold areas of the world. We are excited to see where our learning takes us!
#enjoy #embrace #evolve
Year 1 Autumn Adventure!
Today we had to identify seasonal weather patterns. We explored the school garden and looked for different signs of autumn and discussed the different types of weather that happens in autumn.
Today was a mild day, no need for coats, however, the children told me how it was cooler yesterday, with…
Year 1- PSHE- Feeling Proud!
What a lovely PSHE lesson we had! The children embraced the learning and enjoyed sharing special moments when they felt proud of themselves.
They all made Mrs Bentham proud!
Year 1 Geography- seasons!
We had a great start to out Geography topic by looking at the different seasons and their weather patterns. The children enjoyed sorting a range of clothes/objects we would need in each season. We then completed some lovely seasonal drawings and some super writing about them.
Well done Year 1! A…
Year 1 Smelly Investigation!
Today in our science lesson, the children had a problem to investigate , animals had been in our woodland area and we had to work out what type of animal it could have been using our knowledge of carnivores, herbivores and omnivores.
The children embraced the challenge and amazed me with…
Year 1 PSHE
In PSHE the children have a special friend called Jigsaw Jack! He helps us talk about the things we are learning. Our topic this half term is ‘Being Me in my World!’ This week we looked at how we belong in Year 1 and discussed our rights and responsibilities in our class. It is lovely to listen to…
Year 1- Hip Hop Music!
Year 1 love to find the pulse whilst exploring the genre of Hip Hop music. We are really enjoying our song ‘Hey You’ and have some great rappers in the class!
Today we used the glockenspiels and focused on the C note. It was great to see how they focused to play at the right time.
Year 1- Exploring the Human Body!
We have had a fantastic start to our Science topic Animals, including humans.
After a game of Simon Says, the children labelled the different parts of the human body. We drew around one of our friends and worked as a team to label the different parts. We also discussed the body parts we cannot…
Computing Skills!
Year 1 really enjoyed working ok their tracking skills in Computing today. They embraced the challenge and enjoyed creating their own house!
#enjoy #embrace
A lovely first day in Year 1!
What a wonderful first day back we have had in Year 1! The children settled straight back into school life. They loved seeing their friends and enjoyed learning their new rules and routines for Year 1.
We are all very excited for the year ahead! #enjoy #embrace #evolve